This repository contains a testbed-deployable application-level implementation of compute reuse for edge networks.
Currently, we have three applications implementing reuse: matrix multiplication (shortened to "matrix"), face detection on a simulated camera feed (shortened to "simcamera"), and a chess optimal move algorithm (shortened to "chess"). These applications consist of two files (for now): a consumer source file and a CN source file. They describe how consumers send requests for computation and how CNs respond to them and provide computation services. Each source file is heavily commented. To write new applications, use any of the existing applications as a template.
Make sure to follow this part very carefully or the testbed will not work as intended!
Currently, the tested CN OS's are: Ubuntu 18.04.
The tested consumer OS's are: Raspbian Stretch
Prerequisites (unless stated, on both Pi's and CN's):
- ndn-cxx version 0.6.5 (on routers as well)
- NFD version 0.6.5 (on routers as well)
- libjpeg and libpng
- cmake >= 3.8.2
- g++ >= 8 for C++17
To start, clone this repository into home or preferred directory using git clone --recursive
. The commands below assume the repo was cloned to home.
First, we need to replace the wscript in ndn-cxx and ndn-cxx/examples with the reuse-edge version, as we've added new libraries (Eigen, dlib, and Goldfish) and ndn-cxx needs to be aware of those as it compiles examples. Run
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/CN/wscript ~/ndn-cxx
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/examples/wscript ~/ndn-cxx/examples
To copy the wscripts over. Note that the wscript assumes the name of the user is nsol
. To change this in the wscript, find all instances of nsol
and replace them with your user name. Furthermore, if you cloned to a directory other than home, also change all lines containing nsol
to match your installed directory.
After this, copy the .cpp files contained in reuse-edge/src/CN to the examples folder of ndn-cxx. For now, do not re-./waf configure
Now, we need to move on to compiling external libraries. All of the prerequisites can be installed via a package manager (for Debian-based, use apt
; for Fedora-based, yum
). The only libraries to compile manually from reuse-edge/external are dlib and Goldfish. Eigen is a header-only library, so there is nothing to compile there. However, make sure to copy the eigen folder from reuse-edge/external to ndn-cxx, using e.g. cp -r ~/reuse-edge/external/eigen ~/ndn-cxx
When waf looks for dlib and Goldfish when a ./waf configure
is called, it will look for static libraries in two directories: reuse-edge/external/dlib/examples/build/dlib_build and reuse-edge/external/Goldfish/build respectively. If those libdlib.a and libengine.a files do not exist, then waf does not let you compile the reuse applications.
To compile dlib, run
cd ~/reuse-edge/external/dlib/examples
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. # note that depending on the processor, YOU WILL WANT TO ENABLE SSE2 SSE4, or AVX instructions because it MAKES THE DETECTION faster; see below for more info
cmake --build .
To discover which instructions to enable in the above cmake command, run an lscpu | grep 'sse2\|sse4\|avx'
on the machine. If more than one are matched, choose sse4 over sse2, avx over sse4.
Once you have figured out which instructions to enable, replace the cmake ..
from above with cmake -DUSE_SSE2_INSTRUCTIONS=ON ..
for sse2, cmake -DUSE_SSE4_INSTRUCTIONS=ON ..
for sse4, and cmake -DUSE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS=ON ..
for avx. Make sure that you choose only one of sse2, sse4, or avx.
Now, there should be libdlib.a in reuse-edge/external/dlib/examples/build/dlib_build.
To compile Goldfish, run
cd ~/reuse-edge/external/Goldfish
mkdir build && cd build
# Make sure here that your g++ version is at least 8 for C++17 features. If not, select what to use explicitly, e.g.
export CXX=/opt/gcc-8.1.0/bin/g++-8.1.0
export CC=/opt/gcc-8.1.0/bin/gcc-8.1.0
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Now, there should be a libengine.a in reuse-edge/external/Goldfish/build.
cd ~/ndn-cxx
./waf configure
./waf install
to make the the reuse application executables in the ndn-cxx/build/examples.
Finally, run
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/CN/ ~
cp ~/reuse-edge/testbed/ ~
to copy the NFD routing script and CPU logging script to home. Every time you restart NFD, you must run the routing script once to set up the correct static routes.
Clone the repository into home in the same way.
Copy the wscripts into the ndn-cxx and ndn-cxx/examples directory with
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/consumer/wscript ~/ndn-cxx
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/examples/wscript ~/ndn-cxx/examples
This wscript assumes that the name of the user is pi
. Again, if your consumer user name is different or your clone directory is different from home, change all instances (and directories) of pi
to your user name.
Copy the .cpp files contained in reuse-edge/src/consumer to the examples folder of ndn-cxx.
Prerequisites should be installed. Again make sure that Eigen is copied into the ndn-cxx directory. For compiling dlib and Goldfish, follow the same process as the CN. Configure, compile, and install using waf. If using Ubuntu, make sure to sudo ldconfig
For the script files, run
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/consumer/ ~
cp ~/reuse-edge/testbed/run* ~ # test scripts for matrix, simcamera, and chess
cp ~/reuse-edge/testbed/captures/* ~/ndn-cxx/build/examples # this is so that full camera captures are available when running the simcamera application
Again, make sure to run the routing script every time NFD is restarted.
Clone the repository into home.
Simply copy the reuse-edge/src/routers/access route script for access routers (first-hop from consumer) and reuse-edge/src/routers/single route script for all other routers.
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/routers/access/ ~
# or
cp ~/reuse-edge/src/routers/single/ ~
- Git submodules for external libraries
- Switch naive prodreceived-based counting method for smarter bool-based counting method when responding to interests
- Remove possible redundancy of checking reuse table for matrix twice in MAC_matrix.cpp
- Add proper debug statements instead of printing to
for everything - Add hashing (i.e. no send) functionality for no reuse (reuse already has it)