Speaker: Fabien Potencier -- @fabpot https://twitter.com/fabpot
Link: http://desktop.sensiolabs.org/
- Amstrad CPC 664
- Introduced to basic 1.1 immediately
- GOLF, Amsoft
- Press SPACE to begin
- Oh Fabien. Types "space", since no spacebar. Recieves no feedback. Tries again. No luck.
- Stumbles upon the "space" key. Instructions AFTER necessary.
- More explicit directions, like "press the SPACE bar on the keyboard to begin"
- We commonly overcomplicate issues for the user
- Even the simplest thing to a dev can be difficult to a user
- Still have "space" issues, but working to remove them
- Make error messages more user friendly
- Solving a problem the right way usually involves more complexity.
- SensioLabsDesktop announced.
- Composer integration.
- Available here: http://desktop.sensiolabs.org/
Question: how do we make learning fun again? Answer: Khan academy
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- "I want programming computers to be like coloring with crayons and playing with duplo blocks." - Ryan Dahl, Node.JS