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This module provides an electionstats.query_elections function which returns summaries of Massachusetts elections from the site It returns a Pandas DataFrame documented below. There is an additional electionstats.read_election that takes an election_id from query_elections and reads the precinct-level or municipality-level results, based on the precincts_include argument.

electionstats.OFFICES = [
    "US House",
    "US Senate",
    "State Rep",
    "State Senate",

electionstats.STAGES = [



  • year_from : int - The first year for which results should be returned
  • year_to : int - The last year for which results should be returned
  • office : str - The office results to be returned (e.g., "President", "US House", "State Rep", "State Senate")
  • stage : str - The type of election to consider ("General", "Primaries", "Democratic", "Republican")
  • include_no_cand_elecs : boolean, optional - Whether to include elections with zero candidates (default False)
  • include_specials : boolean, optional - Whether to include special elections (default False)


The function returns a Pandas DataFrame with the following fields.

column type description
election_id object Unique election ID from electionstats website
year int64 Year of election
date datetime64[ns] Election date
office object Office of election (e.g., President, State Representative)
district object District of election (e.g., United States, 31st Middlesex)
is_special bool Whether the election is special election
party_primary object None if not primary, otherwise party of primary
dem_candidate object Democratic candidate or None
gop_candidate object GOP candidate or None
other_candidates object Comma-separated list of 3rd party or Unenrolled candidates
dem_votes float64 Number of Democratic votes or NaN
gop_votes float64 Number of GOP votes or NaN
dem_city_town str City/Town of Democratic candidate
gop_city_town str City/Town of GOP candidate
total_votes int64 Total number of votes cast
other_votes int64 Number of 3rd party or Unenrolled votes or NaN
blank_votes int64 Number of blank ballots
num_candidates int64 Total number of candidates in election
winner object Name of winning candidate
winner_address str Address of winning candidate
winner_city_town str City/Town of winning candidate
winner_votes int64 Number of votes received by winning candidate
winner_pct float64 Percent of votes, based on total_votes
winning_party object Party of winning candidate
candidates object A dictionary containing detailed info on each candidate
dem_percent float64 Two-party Democratic vote percent (Dem/(Dem+GOP))
incumbent object Name of incumbent (might not be running)
prev_party object Party of incumbent
open_race bool True if incumbent is not running, False otherwise
incumbent_party object Party of incumbent or None if open race
incumbent_status object Dem_Incumbent, GOP_Incumbent, or No_Incumbent if open race
electionstats.read_election(election_id, precincts_include)


  • election_id : int - The unique ID for an election as returned by query_elections
  • precincts_include : bool - If True, return precinct-level results, otherwise municipality-level


The function returns a Pandas DataFrame with the following fields.

column type description
City/Town object The municipality of the result
Ward object The electionw ward of the result or - if no ward
Pct object The precinct of the result
Candidate1 int The number of votes for Candidate1
... int Addition candidate vote columns
All Others int Number of votes for unnamed candidates
Blanks int Number of blank non-votes
Total Votes Cast int The total number of ballots cast


>>> import electionstats
>>> sr2016 = electionstats.query_elections(2016, 2016, "State Rep", "General")
>>> len(sr2016)
>>> sr2016.iloc[97]
election_id                                                    130361
year                                                             2016
date                                                       2016-11-08
office                                           State Representative
district                                               3rd Barnstable
is_special                                                      False
party_primary                                                    None
dem_candidate                                      Matthew C. Patrick
gop_candidate                                         David T. Vieira
dem_votes                                                       11317
gop_votes                                                       12739
total_votes                                                     25607
other_votes                                                        11
blank_votes                                                      1540
num_candidates                                                      2
winner                                                David T. Vieira
winner_votes                                                    12739
winner_pct                                                   0.497481
winning_party                                              Republican
candidates          [{'id': '62662', 'votesmart_id': '54354', 'slu...
dem_percent                                                  0.470444
incumbent                                             David T. Vieira
prev_party                                                 Republican
open_race                                                       False
incumbent_party                                            Republican
incumbent_status                                        GOP_Incumbent
Name: 97, dtype: object
>>> sr_130361_pcts = electionstats.read_election(sr2016.iloc[97]["election_id"])
>>> sr_130361_pcts.sample().iloc[0]
City/Town             Mashpee
Ward                        -
Pct                         3
David T. Vieira           710
Matthew C. Patrick        703
All Others                  0
Blanks                     69
Total Votes Cast         1482
Name: 11, dtype: object

Run Unit Tests

python -m unittest tests.test_electionstats