Estimates surface roughness of manufacturing parts.
Install Python (>= 3.8
), Poetry (>=1.1
) and the usual Docker
stack (Engine >= 20.10
, Compose >= 2.1
). If you've got Nix, you
get a dev shell with the right Python and Poetry versions simply by
$ nix shell github:c0c0n3/kitt4sme.roughnator?dir=nix
Otherwise, install the usual way you do on your platform. Then clone
this repo, cd
into its root dir and install the Python dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd kitt4sme.roughnator
$ poetry install
Finally drop into a virtual env shell to hack away
$ poetry shell
$ charm .
# ^ Pycharm or whatever floats your boat
Run all the test suites:
$ pytest tests
or just the unit tests
$ pytest tests/unit
Measure global test coverage and generate an HTML report
$ coverage run -m pytest -v tests
$ coverage report html
Build and run the Docker image:
$ docker build -t kitt4sme/roughnator .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 kitt4sme/roughnator
We've whipped together a test bed to simulate a live environment similar
to that of the KITT4SME cluster. In the tests/sim
directory, you'll find
a Docker compose file with
- Orion LD connected to MongoDB
- Quantum Leap with a CrateDB backend
- Our Roughnator service
- KITT4SME Dazzler configured with a dashboard to display Roughnator's estimates
To start the show, run (Ctrl+C to stop)
$ poetry shell
$ python tests/sim
This will bring up the Docker compose environment (assuming you've got a Docker engine running already), subscribe Quantum Leap and Roughnator to Orion and then will start sending machine entities to Orion. On receiving those entities, Orion forwards them to Roughnator and Quantum Leap. For each entity Orion sends on, Roughnator comes up with a surface roughness estimate that then writes back to Orion. Since Quantum Leap got subscribed to all entity changes, it'll collect both machine and estimate entities in their own time series. And here's what's actually going on under the bonnet:
In fact, if you browse to the CrateDB Web UI at:
you should be able to query both the machine and estimate entity tables to see data coming in from the simulator through Orion and then Quantum Leap. Now browse to the Roughnator Dazzler dashboard at:
You should see the dashboard with an explanation of what it is and how it works. Load the available estimate entity IDs, then select one to plot the data. The dashboard fetches new data from Quantum Leap every few seconds, so as the simulator sends entities you should be able to see the new data points reflected in the plot.
Notice that all those entities belong to a tenant named csic
. So
you should be able to see Orion and Quantum Leap using a separate
DB/schema for that tenant. Also the tenant's name is part of the
Dazzler dashboard URL and is also shown on the dashboard. (KITT4SME
relies on this arrangement to silo tenant data and enforce security