The open-source Calendly alternative. (Docker Edition)
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Core related Issues
Docker specific Issues
This image can be found on DockerHub at
The Docker configuration for is an effort powered by people within the community., Inc. does not yet provide official support for Docker, but we will accept fixes and documentation at this time. Use at your own risk.
This Docker Image is managed by the Community. Join the team here. Support for this image can be found via the repository, located at
Currently, this image is intended for local development/evaluation use only, as there are specific requirements for providing environmental variables at build-time in order to specify a non-localhost BASE_URL. (this is due to the nature of the static site compilation, which embeds the variable values). The ability to update these variables at runtime is in-progress and will be available in the future.
For Production, for the time being, please checkout the repository and build/push your own image privately.
Make sure you have docker
& docker compose
installed on the server / system. Both are installed by most docker utilities, including Docker Desktop and Rancher Desktop.
Note: docker compose
without the hyphen is now the primary method of using docker-compose, per the Docker documentation.
If you are evaluating or running with minimal to no modifications, this option is for you.
Clone calcom/docker
git clone
Change into the directory
cd docker
Prepare your configuration: Rename
and then update.env
cp .env.example .env
Most configurations can be left as-is, but for configuration options see Important Run-time variables below.
Update the appropriate values in your .env file, then proceed.
(optional) Pre-Pull the images by running the following command:
docker compose pull
This will use the default image locations as specified by
in the docker-compose.yaml file.Note: To aid with support, by default is used as registry proxy for download metrics.
Start via docker compose
(Most basic users, and for First Run) To run the complete stack, which includes a local Postgres database, web app, and Prisma Studio:
docker compose up -d
To run web app and Prisma Studio against a remote database, ensure that DATABASE_URL is configured for an available database and run:
docker compose up -d calcom studio
To run only the web app, ensure that DATABASE_URL is configured for an available database and run:
docker compose up -d calcom
Note: to run in attached mode for debugging, remove
from your desired run command. -
Open a browser to http://localhost:3000, or your defined NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL. The first time you run, a setup wizard will initialize. Define your first user, and you're ready to go!
Stop the stack
docker compose down
Pull the latest changes
docker compose pull
Update env vars as necessary.
Re-start the stack
docker compose up -d
Clone calcom/docker
git clone calcom-docker
Change into the directory
cd calcom-docker
Update the calcom submodule.
git submodule update --remote --init
Note: DO NOT use recursive submodule update, otherwise you will receive a git authentication error.
and then update.env
For configuration options see Build-time variables below. Update the appropriate values in your .env file, then proceed.
Build the docker image:
Note: Due to application configuration requirements, an available database is currently required during the build process.
a) If hosting elsewhere, configure the
in the .env file, and skip the next stepb) If a local or temporary database is required, start a local database via docker compose.
docker compose up -d database
Build via docker compose (DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 must be provided to allow a network bridge to be used at build time. This requirement will be removed in the future)
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker compose build calcom
Start via docker compose
(Most basic users, and for First Run) To run the complete stack, which includes a local Postgres database, web app, and Prisma Studio:
docker compose up -d
To run web app and Prisma Studio against a remote database, ensure that DATABASE_URL is configured for an available database and run:
docker compose up -d calcom studio
To run only the web app, ensure that DATABASE_URL is configured for an available database and run:
docker compose up -d calcom
Note: to run in attached mode for debugging, remove
from your desired run command. -
Open a browser to http://localhost:3000, or your defined NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL. The first time you run, a setup wizard will initialize. Define your first user, and you're ready to go!
These variables must also be provided at runtime
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
CALCOM_LICENSE_KEY | Enterprise License Key | optional | |
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL | Base URL of the site. NOTE: if this value differs from the value used at build-time, there will be a slight delay during container start (to update the statically built files). | optional | http://localhost:3000 |
NEXTAUTH_URL | Location of the auth server. By default, this is the docker instance itself. | optional | {NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL}/api/auth |
NEXTAUTH_SECRET | must match build variable | required | secret |
CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY | must match build variable | required | secret |
DATABASE_URL | database url with credentials - if using a connection pooler, this setting should point there | required | postgresql://unicorn_user:magical_password@database:5432/calendso |
DATABASE_DIRECT_URL | direct database url with credentials if using a connection pooler (e.g. PgBouncer, Prisma Accelerate, etc.) | optional |
If building the image yourself, these variables must be provided at the time of the docker build, and can be provided by updating the .env file. Currently, if you require changes to these variables, you must follow the instructions to build and publish your own image.
Updating these variables is not required for evaluation, but is required for running in production. Instructions for generating variables can be found in the instructions
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL | Base URL injected into static files | optional | http://localhost:3000 |
NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT | license consent - true/false | ||
CALCOM_TELEMETRY_DISABLED | Allow to collect anonymous usage data (set to 1 to disable) |
DATABASE_URL | database url with credentials - if using a connection pooler, this setting should point there | required | postgresql://unicorn_user:magical_password@database:5432/calendso |
DATABASE_DIRECT_URL | direct database url with credentials if using a connection pooler (e.g. PgBouncer, Prisma Accelerate, etc.) | optional | |
NEXTAUTH_SECRET | Cookie encryption key | required | secret |
CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY | Authentication encryption key | required | secret |
This repository uses a git submodule.
For users building their own images, to update the calcom submodule, use the following command:
git submodule update --remote --init
For more advanced usage, please refer to the git documentation:
If running behind a load balancer which handles SSL certificates, you will need to add the environmental variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0
to prevent requests from being rejected. Only do this if you know what you are doing and trust the services/load-balancers directing traffic to your service.
Certain versions may have trouble creating a user if the field metadata
is empty. Using an empty json object {}
as the field value should resolve this issue. Also, the id
field will autoincrement, so you may also try leaving the value of id
as empty.
If you experience this error, it may be the way the default Auth callback in the server is using the WEBAPP_URL as a base url. The container does not necessarily have access to the same DNS as your local machine, and therefor needs to be configured to resolve to itself. You may be able to correct this by configuring NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000/api/auth
, to help the backend loop back to itself.
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: [next-auth][error][CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR]
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: request to http://testing.localhost:3000/api/auth/session failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND testing.localhost {
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: error: {
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: message: 'request to http://testing.localhost:3000/api/auth/session failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND testing.localhost',
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: stack: 'FetchError: request to http://testing.localhost:3000/api/auth/session failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND testing.localhost\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/calcom/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/node-fetch/index.js:1:65756)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:513:28)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at ClientRequest.emit (node:domain:489:12)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at Socket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:494:9)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at Socket.emit (node:domain:489:12)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:157:8)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:122:3)\n' +
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: ' at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)',
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: name: 'FetchError'
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: },
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: url: 'http://testing.localhost:3000/api/auth/session',
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: message: 'request to http://testing.localhost:3000/api/auth/session failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND testing.localhost'
docker-calcom-1 | @calcom/web:start: }