diff --git a/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml b/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml index 3d7eef10..9b32fbfd 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml @@ -3,19 +3,24 @@ name: On Pull Request # On pull_request, we: # * always publish to charmhub at latest/edge/branchname # * always run tests - +# * always run builds with cache on: pull_request: jobs: + get-paths-and-build: + name: Get charm paths and build with cache + uses: canonical/charmed-kubeflow-workflows/.github/workflows/get_charms_build_with_cache.yaml@KF-6690-build-with-cache tests: name: Run Tests + needs: [get-paths-and-build] uses: ./.github/workflows/integrate.yaml secrets: inherit # publish runs in parallel with tests, as we always publish in this situation publish-charm: name: Publish Charm + needs: [get-paths-and-build] uses: ./.github/workflows/publish.yaml secrets: inherit