The carla autoware bridge is now hosted and maintained here.
This repository contains a demonstrator of an autoware agent ready to be executed with CARLA.
The carla autoware integration requires CARLA You can download it from here
The autoware agent is provided as a ROS package. All the configuration can be found inside the carla-autoware-agent
The easiest way to run the agent is by building and running the provided docker image.
- Docker (19.03+)
- Nvidia docker (
Firstly clone the carla autoware repository, where additional autoware contents are included as a submodule:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Afterwards, build the image with the following command:
cd carla-autoware && ./
This will generate a carla-autoware:latest
docker image.
- Run a CARLA server.
- Run the
This will start an interactive shell inside the container. To start the agent run the following command:
roslaunch carla_autoware_agent carla_autoware_agent.launch town:=Town01
The autoware-contents repository contains additional data required to run Autoware with CARLA, including the point cloud maps, vector maps and configuration files.