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Casper Delegation Guide

Iulia Popescu edited this page Jul 26, 2021 · 7 revisions

What is delegation?

Instead of having to operate and maintain a Casper node (the server that stores a copy of the blockchain), you can instead delegate your tokens to someone on the network who has indicated they intend to operate a server on the network. These server operators are called Validators, and they keep a certain percentage of rewards generated from your staked tokens, similar to a commission.

Validators set their own fee, as well as earn rewards for their own staked tokens. By participating in the protocol this way, you help to improve the decentralization and security of the network and earn rewards in return. Each block in the chain is proposed by a validator, and a validator is given reward tokens for proposing the block, and rewards for any delegations are also paid out.

How do I choose a validator to delegate my tokens?

You have complete control over who you delegate your CSPR to. To get to know who is an active member of the community and works to support their validating node with high availability, join our official discord server. Validators (identified with the @Validator role, and a red tint to their display names) often post in the various channels and are usually active community members.

You can also view the official Casper blockchain explorer, validator page to select any validator from the list to delegate your tokens to.

The validator page will show a validator's public key, total staked CSPR, and percent of weight of the total staked amount on the network. Clicking on a validator in the list will open the details of that Validator. The Validator details page will show the following information:

  • Public Key
  • Commission Rate
  • Self Stake
  • Total Stake

As well as second section that can show you either blocks proposed by that validator, or delegations received by that validator (public key of delegator and amount delegated).

Delegating with

Here you will find a step-by-step, user-friendly tutorial on how to delegate your tokens:

Delegating with the command-line

We are hard at work developing a UI-based way to stake your CSPR tokens. While this is in development, the current method for delegating tokens on the network is accomplished via the command-line. Casper-client is currently tested and compatible with Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04. To delegate your tokens on the network, follow the base Casper install instructions here:

Install the Casper client

echo "deb" bionic main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/casper.list
curl -O
sudo apt-key add casper-repo-pubkey.asc
sudo apt update
sudo apt install casper-client -y
sudo apt install jq -y

Install the pre-requisites for building smart contracts

cd ~
sudo apt purge --auto-remove cmake
wget -O - 2>/dev/null | gpg --dearmor - | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/kitware.gpg >/dev/null
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb focal main'   
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake -y

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

sudo apt install libssl-dev -y
sudo apt install pkg-config -y
sudo apt install build-essential -y

BRANCH="1.0.20" \
    && git clone --branch ${BRANCH} "wabt-${BRANCH}" \
    && cd "wabt-${BRANCH}" \
    && git submodule update --init \
    && cd - \
    && cmake -S "wabt-${BRANCH}" -B "wabt-${BRANCH}/build" \
    && cmake --build "wabt-${BRANCH}/build" --parallel 8 \
    && sudo cmake --install "wabt-${BRANCH}/build" --prefix /usr --strip -v \
    && rm -rf "wabt-${BRANCH}"

Compile the Smart Contracts

cd ~

git clone git://
cd casper-node/
git checkout release-1.0.0
make setup-rs
make build-client-contracts -j

Generate the keys for your wallet

If you do not have a pair of keys already generated, you can create them. Create new keys to transfer your tokens to and from exchanges. Keep a copy of your keys in a safe place!

IMPORTANT: Note the path where you save your keys. Other commands in this tutorial will use this path and you will need to edit them to reference the correct path.

casper-client keygen /path/to/your/key/storage
PUBLIC_KEY_HEX=$(cat /path/to/your/key/storage/public_key_hex)

Start delegating

Once you have set up your smart contracts, installed the casper-client, and chosen a validator on the network to whom you wish to delegate, you can send a deployment to a node on the network with an open RPC endpoint. The delegate smart contract requires just under 3 CSPR in gas, noted by the "payment-amount" command-line argument.

The below command is set to delegate 555 CSPR to the indicated validator:

VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY="the public key hex of your desired validator, from"

casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name casper \
    --node-address http://<MAINNET_PEER_IP>:7777 \
    --secret-key /path/to/secret_key.pem \
    --session-path "$HOME/casper-node/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/delegate.wasm" \
    --payment-amount 3000000000 \
    --session-arg "validator:public_key='$VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY'" \
    --session-arg="amount:u512='555000000000'" \
    --session-arg "delegator:public_key='$PUBLIC_KEY_HEX'"

After deploying the smart contract, you will receive output from the casper-client in the form of the following (example hash is from testnet):

    "id": 1821918088518704118,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
      "api_version": "1.2.0",
      "deploy_hash": "2af6618bb2a83245cba4f4fd64ad731c86e1a8eb6ddd057747ad3a666c87f488"

Confirm the delegate deploy was successful after a few minutes:

casper-client get-deploy <DEPLOY_HASH_HERE> | jq .result.execution_results

which will return the JSON body of the deploy's execution results:

    "block_hash": "1f73378fead588baa14462695fb255106f80ffeeb7838b0742856fa4a699c32d",
    "result": {
      "Success": {
        "cost": "2949625600",
        "effect": {
          "operations": [
        "transforms": [
        "transfers": [

Checking your staked amount with a validator

While your tokens are staked with a validator, your rewards are automatically re-added to the delegation, increasing the amount you will receive in rewards for future blocks. You can confirm your total tokens staked with a validator by entering:

casper-client get-auction-info --node-address http://<MAINNET_PEER_IP>:7777 | jq -r '.result.auction_state.bids[] | select( .public_key == "$VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY") | .bid.delegators[] | select( .public_key == "$PUBLIC_KEY_HEX") | .staked_amount | tonumber / 1000000000'

Which will return a human readable amount of CSPR (testnet example):

casper-client get-auction-info --node-address | jq -r '.result.auction_state.bids[] | select( .public_key == "017d96b9a63abcb61c870a4f55187a0a7ac24096bdb5fc585c12a686a4d892009e") | .bid.delegators[] | select( .public_key == "01360dbdb9fdcd720f560c9b94815481b0d0109bc1ec761b2e99e974ee00022079") | .staked_amount | tonumber / 1000000000'

Undelegating tokens

In order to undelegate tokens when able, the smart contract syntax is similar to the delegate contract. To undelegate 100 CSPR from your Validator, enter:

casper-client put-deploy --chain-name casper \
--node-address http://<MAINNET_PEER_IP>:7777/ \
--secret-key "/path/to//secret_key.pem" \
--session-path "$HOME/casper-node/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/undelegate.wasm" \
--payment-amount 1000000000 \
--session-arg="validator:public_key='$VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY'" \
--session-arg="amount:u512='100000000000'" \

Once deployed, the network will return a deploy hash:

  "id": 3482245447580049949,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "api_version": "1.2.0",
    "deploy_hash": "f569fa6a1de134758f76533e34a082761d74dff45813f6aed106d2f9813935ff"

Confirm the undelegate deploy was successful after a few minutes:

casper-client get-deploy <UNDEPLOY_HASH_HERE> | jq .result.execution_results

which will return the JSON body of the deploy's execution results:

    "block_hash": "1f73378fead588baa14462695fb255106f80ffeeb7838b0742856fa4a699c32d",
    "result": {
      "Success": {
        "cost": "2949625600",
        "effect": {
          "operations": [
        "transforms": [
        "transfers": [

Send tokens to another wallet (like an exchange)

Transfer 5 CSPR:

casper-client transfer --node-address http://<MAINNET_PEER_IP>:7777 --amount 5000000000 --target-account {destination Public Key Hex} --payment-amount 10000 --secret-key /path/to/secret_key.pem --chain-name casper --id 1 | jq -r

Closing notes

Your delegation will start to earn rewards beginning in the next era (under 2 hours). You can check your staked amount as the network moves on to see how many CSPR tokens have been earned.