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82 lines (47 loc) · 4.07 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (47 loc) · 4.07 KB

config.scoped_views (initializers/devise.rb) is set to true to allow for customization of devise user views. SET TO FALSE if no customization.

/////////////// JQUERY FRONTEND //////////////////// Throwing the following error when loading pages BEFORE having loaded an activity show page:

  • Exception {description: undefined, fileName: undefined, lineNumber: undefined, message: "You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed undefined", name: "Error", …}

[DONE] OOKAY.. SO THIS IS WEIRD. I basically have sets of click events hijacked(those invloving showing/hiding a review form on activity#show page, and those that involve displaying activity info below a LOCATION on location#index page). Each time I restart my server, ONE of those two sets of click events works correctly while the second does not. But the really weird thing, is that the one that functions properly ALTERNATES?! It makes no freaking sense. Then Every oncein a while, they miraculously both work!

[DONE]-Need to fix the EDIT REVIEW button in activity show page

[DONE]-Change review "card" to a partial and prepend a new partial when user submits new review through jquery on activity show page

[DONE]-Move all jquery code to its own js file in asset pipeline? -attach event listeners within a ready fn

-catch errors with jquery, figure out how to display fields with errors when submitting form via jquery

-Choose between handlebars helper vs prototype object method for date reformatting

-Does my rendering of a new review on the activity show page meet the following requirement? - [ ] Include a show resource rendered using jQuery and an Active Model Serialization JSON backend.

-What are the conventions for naming js files. do I create an individual js file for each applicable model, or should I have one larger js file


XXXX-- Help setting up admin role. (Pundit/CanCanCan/other)

Storing photos in a database (for both the photo class and potentially for the category class) --Paperclip!

Permission Problems. Having trouble authorizing users to be able to edit their reviews. XXXX--My nested parameters are showing up incorrectly in the url. http://localhost:3000/activities/6/reviews/3/edit SHOULD be editing review with id of 3 and activity_id of 6, but it is the other way around

Eventually add Geocoder and include Google Map pins for activity locations.

I have set up activities to belong_to a location (optionally), do i NEED to set up the other side of that association with either a has_one or has_many for the location model??

Upload up to 3 images when an activity is created?

XXXX STRUGGLING WITH MY CUSTOM ACCEPTS NESTED ATTRIBUTES METHODS. How to Edit Location from activity edit form? Location parameters all show up blank in activity edit form. Should someone even be able to edit a location from that form??

CONTEXT: NEW LOCATION FORM XXXX-- Description text_areas showing up outlined in red as if surrounded by field_with_errors.

XXXX--How do I get category tags to show up for each activity? (I almost have to go into a double nesting scenario, which seems crazy.)

XXXX-- New Activities are not being saved

CONTEXT: LOCATION SHOW PAGE XXXX--regardless of URL params, always displaying card for Location[1]

CONTEXT: CUSTOM [ACCEPTS_NESTED_ATTRIBUTES] IN LOCATION.RB XXXX-- params hash is a little off, had to Juryrig method to chain .last to get desired result.

CONTEXT: LOCATION SHOW PAGE XXXX -- activity cards showing up in a single column rather than 3 column structure

CONTEXT: LOCATION EDIT FORM XXXX-- Activities are resaved as new rows XXXX-- If i try to update an activity it creates a new activity

CONTEXT: HOME PAGE CSS XXXX-- New activity button shifts outside of container in smaller viewports -- LETS ADD A FOOTER -- Bootstrap col's are not defaulting to equal height.. WHY?!

CONTEXT: ACTIVITY SHOW PAGE XXXX-- New review button shifts outside of container in smaller viewports