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API Reference

The API consists of various classes. The main logic is automatically spinned up inside of a uasyncio task which is started and stopped when required.

The document doesn't outline all classes and functionality in the library. Instead, it outlines the API which can be seen as stable and intended for public use.


Link to the mdns_client.Client code

The client includes the basic logic for requesting and sending MDNS packages. It has a pluggable system to react on MDNS Record changes on the network.

All functionality in this library is based on this client.

import uasyncio
import network

from mdns_client import Client

loop = uasyncio.get_event_loop()
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
client = Client(wlan.ifconfig()[0])

print(loop.run_until_complete(client.getaddrinfo("the-other-device.local", 80)))


Client.__init__(local_addr: str, debug: bool = False)

Initializes the client. It requires the local ip address for subscribing to multicast messages.

If debug is enabled, the client will issue debug message via the print() statement.

    callback: "Callable[[DNSResponse], Awaitable[None]]",
    remove_if: "Optional[Callable[[DNSResponse], Awaitable[bool]]]" = None,
    timeout: "Optional[int]" = None
) -> Callback

Registers a callback function which gets executed every time an MDNS message has been received and deserialized into a DNSResponse object.

Optionally, a function can be passed in which gets executed to verify if the callback should be deleted.

If a timeout is given, the callback will be removed after the specified time has passed.

Returns the registered callback object which has an id which can be used to manually deregister the response from the client.

Client.remove_id(callback_id: int) -> bool

Removes a registered callback with the given id.

Returns True if the deletion was done and false, if no callback with the passed id has been found.

async Client.send_question(*questions: DNSQuestion) -> None
async Client.send_response(response: DNSResponse) -> None

Sends a DNS resolution question or response into the local network. This is mainly used by other parts of the library but is considered as public, if an extension of the library is required.

async Client.getaddrinfo(
    host: "Union[str, bytes, bytearray]",
    port: "Union[str, int, None]",
    family: int = 0,
    type: int = 0,
    proto: int = 0,
    flags: int = 0,
) -> "List[Tuple[int, int, int, str, Tuple[str, int]]]"

This implements the same interface as exists in the standard library on socket objects for DNS resolution. The function supports both resolutions of local MDNS and normal DNS queries. Addresses which are prefixed with .local are resolved via MDNS, all others get sent to the configured DNS server via the socket.getaddrinfo function.

host_name = str
ip_v4_address = str
async Client.mdns_getaddr(self, host: str) -> Tuple[host_name, ip_v4_address]

Resolves a pure MDNS A record requests. It returnes the record name as the first entry and the ipv4 address as the second tuple entry.


Link to the mdns_client.responder.Responder code

This class is used for supporting service annoucements for own services supported by the application running on this Microcontroller.

import uasyncio
import network

from mdns_client import Client
from mdns_client.responder import Responder, generate_random_postfix

loop = uasyncio.get_event_loop()
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
local_ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0]
client = Client(local_ip)
postfix = generate_random_postfix()
responder = Responder(client, own_ip=local_ip, host=lambda: "my-device-{}".format(postfix))
responder.advertise("_my_awesome_protocol", "_tcp", port=12345)


    client: Client,
    own_ip: "Union[None, str, Callable[[], str]]",
    host: "Union[None, str, Callable[[], str]]" = None,
    debug: bool = False,
) -> None

The responder is initialized with a client object. It requires a callback or fixed value identifying the local ip.

Additionally, a hostname can be passed into the constructor which identifies the name how the responder advertises itself. If none is passed, micropython-{six digit hexadecimal value} is generated.

The debug flag can be set to True if debug messages should be printed via the print() command.

    protocol: str,
    service: str,
    port: int,
    data: "Optional[Dict[str, Union[List[str], str]]]" = None,
    service_host_name: "Optional[str]" = None
) -> None

Advertises the specified protocol/service to be available on the given port.

Optionally, data can be passed, which is published as a TXT record to provide further instructions to third parties on how to handle the service. . If you want to update the TXT data, you can call the function again, which will overwrite the previous setting if you pass the same protocol/service combination to it.

In very special cases, you might want to set your own service hostname different from the hostname in the A record of the controller. This is where service_host_name can be used to generate a dedicated hostname for the advertised service, such as myservicehostname._myawesomeservice._tcp.local.

Responder.withdraw(protocol: str, service: str) -> None

Removes the service annoucement support of the passed protocol/service tuple.


Link to the mdns_client.service_discovery.ServiceDiscovery code Link to the mdns_client.service_discovery.txt_discovery.TxtServiceDiscovery code

Also mdns_client.service_discovery.txt_discovery.TXTServiceDiscovery provides the same interface.

The ServiceDiscovery class and the TXTServiceDiscovery class provide possibilities for service discovery on the local network. They implement the same public interface. If the TXTServiceDiscovery is used, it will additional populate all records with any metadata which is passed via TXT records for the services.

import uasyncio
import network

from mdns_client import Client
from mdns_client.service_discovery import ServiceDiscovery

loop = uasyncio.get_event_loop()
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
local_ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0]
client = Client(local_ip)
discovery = ServiceDiscovery(client)
loop.run_until_complete(discovery.query_once("_googlecast", "_tcp", timeout=1.0))


ServiceDiscovery.__init__(client: Client, debug: bool = False)

Initializes the service discovery handler. Requires the Client object.

if debug is set to True messages helping debugging the component will be sent via the print statement.

ServiceDiscovery.add_service_monitor(service_monitor: "ServiceMonitor") -> None

Adds a specific service monitor to the discovery handler. Each time a service is updated, added or removed and marked as relevant it will be sent to the serivce monitor till it has been unregistered via remove_service_monitor.

The ServiceMonitor must implement these functions:

class ServiceMonitor:
    def service_added(self, service: ServiceResponse) -> None:
    def service_updated(self, service: ServiceResponse) -> None:
    def service_removed(self, service: ServiceResponse) -> None:
ServiceDiscovery.remove_service_monitor(service_monitor: "ServiceMonitor") -> None

Removes the specified service monitor from the discovery logic. If the service monitor hasn't been registered before, raises a KeyError.

async ServiceDiscovery.query(protocol: str, service: str) -> None

Marks the specified protocol/service as to be resolved. Once it is added to the query, the records are being taken in. Also issues a query for resolving the services which are currently available on the connected network.

async ServiceDiscovery.query_once(protocol: str, service: str, timeout: float = None) -> "Iterable[ServiceResponse]"

Asks the service discovery to resolve the protocol/service combination once. After the passed timeout (or a default one) has passed return all services which have been identified in between.

If the protocol/service combination hasn't already been enqueued before (via a query call), it will afterwards remove the query request. Because of this behavior, the call is on the long run more memory efficient than constantly scanning the network for service records via the query function.

ServiceDiscovery.current(protocol: str, service: str) -> "Iterable[ServiceResponse]"

Returns the currently known services which provide the passed protocol/service on the network. It doesn't itself do any network calls and checks the state from the local cache. Thus, it should be used in combination with the query function.



Link to the mdns_client.struct.DNSResponse code

The DNSResponse is a namedtuple representing a received or to be sent MDNS-Response.

class DNSResponse:
    transaction_id: int
    message_type: int
    questions: "List[DNSQuestion]"
    answers: "List[DNSRecord]"
    authorities: "List[DNSRecord]"
    additional: "List[DNSRecord]"
    is_response: bool
    is_request: bool
    records: "Iterable[DNSRecord]"


DNSResponse.to_bytes() -> bytes

Returns a representation of the DNSResponse in bytes as they are sent inside of a UDP package.


Link to the mdns_client.struct.DNSRecord code

The DNSRecord namedtuple represents an individual record which has been received or will be sent via a DNSResponse.

class DNSRecord:
    name: str
    record_type: int
    query_class: int
    time_to_live: int
    rdata: bytes
    invalid_at: int  # The time (in machine.ticks_ms) when the record is invalid


DNSRecord.to_bytes() -> bytes

Returns a representation of the DNSRecord in bytes as they are sent inside of a UDP package within a DNSResponse.


Link to the mdns_client.struct.DNSQuestion code

The DNSQuestion represents a request being sent via MDNS to resolve a specific domain record of a specified type.

class DNSQuestion:
    query: str
    type: int
    query_class: int

The type can be resolved via the file. Also the query_class types are there. However, currently only the CLASS_IN is used.


DNSQuestion.to_bytes() -> bytes

Returns a representation of the DNSQuestion in bytes as they are sent inside of a UDP package within a DNSResponse.


Link to the mdns_client.struct.DNSQuestion code

The ServiceResponse includes information of a service which is available on the local network and has been discovered via the ServiceDiscovery class or one of its subclasses.

class ServiceResponse:
    name: str
    priority: int
    weight: int
    port: int
    ips: Set[str]
    txt_records: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]

    invalid_at: Optional[int]
    # time.ticks_ms when the service is no longer valid
    # according to the passed time to live

    ttl: Optional[int]
    # The time the service response can be considered as
    # valid when it was received from the MDNS responder.


ServiceResponse.expired_at(timing: int) -> bool

Returns if the service response is expired at the specified time. The timing should be the time according to time.ticks_ms().