Codes to process MRR data at DDU
"1_MRR_processing.bat" activates automatically the report of the previous day.
"2_Send_report.bat" send the report by email.
"Processing_MRR.ipynb" is a jupyter notebook files to process and display data, .
- Numpy
- pylab (similar to matplotlib, it is possible to call matplotlib instead, and modified the code accordingly)
- netCDF4 (for displaying) try with "pip install netCDF4" if it is not installed in cmd or look for an alternative whl files in
- datetime
- copy
- warnings
- Last version of IMProToo is already downloaded in "...MRR\lib\IMProToo-master". No need for further installation.
Output folders are created automatically (Plots, MK_processed, temp).
The user have to check the name of the directories.
The user can copy the "RawSpectra" folder from the MRR directly into "...MRR\Data\DDU"
There is no problem with gap of data.
Any question can be addressed to or