ELLE - Estonian Language Learning and Analysis Environment is a development of the user interface of the Estonian Interlanguage Corpus (Eesti vahekeele korpus - EVKK).
- All commands should be executed from project's root directory if not stated otherwise.
- JDK 11: https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/11/
- Docker Engine 24.x: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Docker Compose 1.28+: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
- NodeJS 16.x: https://nodejs.org
- YARN (classic, 1.22.x): https://yarnpkg.com
- Make sure docker-compose is installed correctly:
docker-compose --version
- Start docker containers
$ ./run-local.sh
(this can take several minutes first time around).
By default, this command will start all containers.
If you only want to start specific containers, you can do so using docker profiles.
For example:COMPOSE_PROFILES=backend,stanza ./run-local.sh
See all available profiles indocker-compose.yml
file. - Run database migrations and insert seed data:
$ ./gradlew :db:bootRun --args 'clean migrate seed'
- Make sure you have enabled annotation processing for IntelliJ IDEA:
Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors -> Enable annotation processing
- Run UI module:
$ yarn --cwd=./ui install && yarn --cwd=./ui start
- Run API module:
$ ./gradlew :api:bootRun
(other modules liketask-scheduler
work in similar fashion)
Database migrations are implemented with Flyway migration tool: https://flywaydb.org/
For running migrations execute gradle task db:bootRun
All standard Flyway commands are supported (see https://flywaydb.org/documentation/ for more information).
Also, extra command seed
has been implemented in order to provide sample data for development environment.
Please note that seeds are not applied in production environment and are only used for demo data.
For example: run clean, migrate and seed commands: $ ./gradlew :db:bootRun --args 'clean migrate seed'
Preferred IDE is IntelliJ IDEA but other widely adopted IDE-s should work as well.
IntelliJ community edition download: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/
The Estonian Interlanguage Corpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) License. Copyright 2024 Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies and the corpus contributors.