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PyFulcrum-lib package


PyFulcrum-lib is a python library that fetches contents from Fulcrum API ( and saves it to local database/storage. It also exposes own API to update and retrive saved content.


PyFulcrum requires:

  • python newest 3.x interpreter (written with python 3.6)
  • GDAL 2.x with development package (python bindings will be provided by pygdal)
  • Fulcrum API key (see
  • Local storage with considerable amount of free space (depending on amount of media files stored in Fulcrum).
  • PostgreSQL 9.6 + PostGIS database cluster


Installation is simple:

  1. Obtain Fulcrum API key

  2. Create directory for storage

    mkdir -p /path/to/storage/dir
  3. Create work directory, for example /usr/local/pyfulcrum, enter into that directory. This will be our default work directory in steps below. If not stated otherwise, you should execute commands from this directory.

  4. Create deployment directory structure (you can adjust this to your needs in your deployment; following is a good-practice structure):

    mkdir -p {repo,conf,storage}
  5. Enter into repo dir and clone PyFulcrum repo

    git clone
  6. Enter into work directory, and create venv with python 3.x:

    python3 -m venv venv
  7. Obtain gdal version and install according version of pygdal (see

    gdal-config --version
    venv/bin/pip install pygdal==$(gdal-config --version)
  8. Install dependencies and pyfulcrum library:

    venv/bin/pip install -r repo/pyfulcrum/lib/requirements.txt
    venv/bin/pip install -e repo/pyfulcrum/lib/
  9. Copy repo/pyfulcrum/lib/alembic.ini to repo/pyfulcrum/lib/local-db.ini, replace sqlalchemy.url value to value adjusted to your database.

    cp repo/pyfulcrum/lib/alembic.ini repo/pyfulcrum/lib/local-db.ini
    $ cat conf/local-db.ini | grep sqlalchemy
    sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://pyfulcrum:pyfulcrum@localhost/pyfulcrum
  10. Create pyfulcrum database (with pyfulcrum user) and apply database model migrations (this will create required tables in database):

    psql -U postgres -c "create user pyfulcrum superuser login password 'pyfulcrum'; create database pyfulcrum owner pyfulcrum;"
    psql -U pyfulcrum -c "create extension postgis;"
    venv/bin/alembic -c local-db.ini upgrade head

PyFulcrum API

PyFulcrum is a library containing several components: database models which store objects from Fulcrum API with basic metadata, API Manager layer, which acts as a gateway API and transparent cache for Fulcrum API objects, CLI application and formatters which allow to export data in different formats.

In day-to-day usage, you should use PyFulcrum API through pyfulcrum.lib.api.APIManager class:

ApiManager creation

from fulcrum import Fulcrum
from pyfulcrum.lib.api import ApiManager

client = Fulcrum(FULCRUM_API_KEY)
api = ApiManager(DB_URL, client, {'root_dir': STORAGE_ROOT_DIR, 'url_base': STORAGE_URL_LOCATION})


ApiManager instance offers properties for each resource types: .forms, .records, .projects, .photos, .videos, .audio, .signatures. Each resource has following methods:

  • .get(obj_id, cached=True)
  • .list(cached=True, url_params=None, use_generator=True, ignore_existing=False)
  • .remove(obj_id)
  • .list_removed()

Sample usage:

  • get list of photos for given form from API
photos ={'form_id': FORM_ID}, cached=False)
  • get list of photos that are not added to database yet (ignore_existing=True doesn't work with cached=True flag set).
new_photos =, ignore_existing=True)
  • get list of all stored forms:
forms = api.forms.list()
  • get list of all records stored for a form:
records = api.records.list(url_params={'form_id': FORM_ID})
  • remove specific record from local data:
removed_record = api.records.remove(RECORD_ID)

Resource classes

ApiManager's resources methods returns approperiate resource class (Project, Form, Record, Media) or iterable (list, generator or Query, depending on input parameters) of resource classes.

Each resource class exposes common interface. See pyfulcrum.lib.models source for details. Most important elements of BaseResource class (and subclasses) are:

  • classmethod .get(id, session) retrives object by id (or returns None if it doesn't exist)
  • classmethod .from_payload(payload, session, client, storage) creates/updates object from JSON payload from Fulcrum API.
  • instancemethod .delete(session) will mark object as removed.
  • Record.get_values() returns dictionary with values for given record with media resolved to local files.

Note: that if any value in Record is media field and media it's refering is missing, field will return empty value. This is because data comming from Fulcrum API may not be entirely consistent (i.e. media resources may refer records that are not available in API for current user).

Database Model

PyFulcrum-lib stores data in custom db model, which reflects features from Fulcrum API, but not directly structure of it. PyFulcrum stores only part of Fulcrum's data: forms, records and media. It doesn't store any user information, changesets nor classification/choices list. In other words, it's a snapshot of content from Fulcrum API.

Main models are:

  • Form
  • Record
  • Media

There are helper models:

  • Field, which is used by Form and Value as a definition of single field.
  • Value, which is used by Record to reflect one specific value for one specific field.
  • Project which is used by Form and Record to split datasets by projects

Full database model schema:

PyFulcrum database model

PyFulcrum CLI

0 PyFulcrum provides simple cli interface to fetch and access data. CLI interface is available through pyfulcrum command (usually resides in venv/bin/ directory). Invocation requires few mandatory params provided:

  • Fulcrum API key
  • database URL
  • root path to storage
  • (optional) url root for storage webserver
  • (optional) output format (default is json)
  • (optional) output file to which results shoudl be written

Supported output formats:

  • str - plain string dump of basic object data, works with all resource types
  • csv - dumps payload keys as columns and values as rows, works with all resource types
  • raw - dumps raw Fulcrum payload for objects, works with all resource types
  • json - dumps basic data about objects, works with all resources. This is default format.
  • geojson - dumps payload data as properties, works with records only, will return records with points attached
  • shapefile - dumps payload data as properties, works with records only, will return records with points attached
  • kml - dumps payload data as properties, works with records only, will return records with points attached

Note: Both raw and json formats are JSON, but the main difference is raw is an exact copy of payload received from Fulcrum API. json format contains data processed locally (for example richer values description, which contains field names/labels and urls to local storage).

Note: Spatial formats (geojson, shapefile, kml) will work with records only.

Usage syntax and common parameters used by pyfulcrum:

usage: pyfulcrum [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
                 --dburl DBURL --apikey APIKEY --storage STORAGE
                 [--urlbase URLBASE] [--format FORMAT] [--output OUTPUT]

  --dburl DBURL        database connection url
  --apikey APIKEY      Fulcrum API key
  --storage STORAGE    Storage directory root
  --urlbase URLBASE    Web root for storage
  --format FORMAT      Return format (default: json, available:
                       csv,geojson,json,kml,raw,shapefile,str). Mind that
                       spatial-aware formatters accept only record objects.
  --output OUTPUT      Name of output file, standard output as default

Example invocation:

venv/bin/pyfulcrum --dburl=postgres://user:pass@localhost/pyfulcrum --apikey=XXXXxxx --storage=/path/to/storage/ --urlbase= ..(additional args here)..

To avoid typing commands, you can create shell script wrapper, which will provide required configuration. There's sample script, lib/examples/scripts/, which requires environment file (simple KEY=VALUE in each line) with configuration. Sample environment file:


You should adjust values and paths in your environment file and script to match your deployment.

Available management commands

pyfulcrum command offers several commands that allow to list multiple, retrieve and remove one specific resource.

Resources available are:

  • projects
  • forms
  • records
  • photos
  • audio
  • videos
  • signatures


usage: pyfulcrum list [-h] [--cached] [--urlparams URLPARAMS [URLPARAMS ...]]

List resources

positional arguments:
  resource              Name of resource to list (projects, forms, records,
                        values, media)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cached              Should app fetch data from live API
  --urlparams URLPARAMS [URLPARAMS ...]
                        list of name=value pairs of url params to pass to list
  --ignore-existing     Should app fetch only data that are not in local

Sample invocations:

  • list all forms available from API (they will be fetched and saved in db):
./ list forms
  • list all forms available stored in db:
./ list forms --cached
  • list all forms available in API but not in db:
./ list forms --ignore-existing
  • list all records in shapefile format with output to file
./ list records --cached --format shapefile --output

--urlparams URLPARAMS param is a way to provide filtering query for both API call and cached resources. This is interpreted per-resource type, so forms can have different url params than records. Multiple params are allowed, as a list of params separated with space, i.e.: --urlparams param1=value param2=othervalue. In case of multiple params, they're used with operator AND.

Below is a list of resources and accepted url params:

Resource type URL params Meaning Notes
forms form_id filter list to show only form with specific id. equivalent of get command This is supported only if --cached is used.
records form_id Get records only ones related to specific form
record_id Return records that were created before specific timestamp This is supported only if --cached is used.
created_before Return records that were created before specific timestamp
created_since Returns records that were created from timestamp to now
updated_before Returns records updated before specific timestamp
updated_since Returns records updated after specific timestamp

For timestamps, suggested timestamp format is YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS+TZTZ, for example: 2018-11-09T12:05:06+0100.


usage: pyfulcrum get [-h] [--cached] resource id

Shows single resource

positional arguments:
  resource    Name of resource to list (projects, forms, records, values,
  id          ID of resource to get

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --cached    Should app fetch data from live API

Sample invocations:

  • Get specific form cached, with str (simple) format
$ ./ get forms dd7449cc-ef64-456f-9dc5-f2eca4afc07d --cached --format str
Form: id=dd7449cc-ef64-456f-9dc5-f2eca4afc07d name=test app records_count=4
  • Get record in geojson format:
$ ./ get records b3d2e4dc-545c-4ebd-a53a-a6be7bad0dfb --cached --format geojson
{"type": "Feature", "id": "b3d2e4dc-545c-4ebd-a53a-a6be7bad0dfb", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [30.9502958, 20.2896016]}, "properties": {"deweeee": {"key": "0f50", "description": null, "label": "deweeee", "type": "TextField", "value": "Hdhj", "media": []}, "eeeee": {"key": "c2aa", "description": null, "label": "eeeee", "type": "YesNoField", "value": "yes", "media": []}, "ewrewerw": {"key": "aeb7", "description": null, "label": "ewrewerw", "type": "TextField", "value": "8688", "media": []}, "qwqwq": {"key": "4e91", "description": null, "label": "qwqwq", "type": "ChoiceField", "value": {"other_values": [], "choice_values": ["cccc", "ddd"]}, "media": []}, "Photos": {"key": "ac03", "description": null, "label": "Photos", "type": "PhotoField", "value": [{"photo_id": "05e61326-9046-4df4-9478-40e94b10414e", "caption": null}], "media": [{"id": "05e61326-9046-4df4-9478-40e94b10414e", "caption": null, "type": "photo", "paths": {"large": {"path": "/storage/dd7449cc-ef64-456f-9dc5-f2eca4afc07d/b3d2e4dc-545c-4ebd-a53a-a6be7bad0dfb/photo_large", "url": null}, "thumbnail": {"path": "/storage/dd7449cc-ef64-456f-9dc5-f2eca4afc07d/b3d2e4dc-545c-4ebd-a53a-a6be7bad0dfb/photo_thumbnail", "url": null}, "original": {"path": "/storage/dd7449cc-ef64-456f-9dc5-f2eca4afc07d/b3d2e4dc-545c-4ebd-a53a-a6be7bad0dfb/photo_original", "url": null}}}]}, "id": "b3d2e4dc-545c-4ebd-a53a-a6be7bad0dfb"}}


usage: pyfulcrum remove [-h] resource id

Removes resource from local data (this doesn't update state in Fulcrum API)

positional arguments:
  resource    Name of resource to list (projects, forms, records, values,
  id          ID of resource to get

Sample invocations:

  • remove specific record from local dataset
./ remove records 29ac7df1-69e8-4227-bb1c-9040196d3d4c

Note: Remove command will change only local state. It will not remove any data with Fulcrum API. If a resource is removed, all children resorces are also removed. For example, if you remove specific form, all records will be marked as removed as well, and won't be shown in list/get command. Because of that, --cached switch is ignored for this command.

Note: Physical media files (original, thumbs) that are connected to any media resource are not removed when parent resource (Form, Record, Value) is marked as removed.

Note: If operator or webhook will try to update resource which parent is marked as removed, error message will be returned instead. To perform restore of removed objects, most parent object (usually a form) must be restored with list or get command.

List Removed

usage: pyfulcrum listremoved [-h] [--cached]
                             [--urlparams URLPARAMS [URLPARAMS ...]]

List locally removed resources

positional arguments:
  resource              Name of resource to list (projects, forms, records,
                        photos, videos, audio, signatures)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --urlparams URLPARAMS [URLPARAMS ...]
                        list of name=value pairs of url params to pass to list

Sample invocations:

  • list removed records
./ listremoved records

Note: List removed command shows only resources locally removed. It will not list removed data from Fulcrum API directly. Because of that, --cached switch is ignored for this command.

Removal workflow:
  • check if forms and records are removed already. Output should be empty for those commands:
./ listremoved forms --format str
./ listremoved records --format str
  • remove form:
./ remove forms d701ed81-9de8-41ed-bc51-38d0a375a4c1 --format str
  • check if form is removed. This should show the form
./ listremoved forms --format str
  • check if records are removed too. This should print list of all records for the form
./ listremoved records --format str
  • if you try to update one of those records, error will be displayed:
./ get records 3faa8067-ca0d-4ded-b502-949bde4fb64c
Cannot restore Record(3faa8067-ca0d-4ded-b502-949bde4fb64c): parent Form(d701ed81-9de8-41ed-bc51-38d0a375a4c1) is removed

Restore workflow

If situation as above, to restore form and records, you just need to restore parent form:

./ get forms d701ed81-9de8-41ed-bc51-38d0a375a4c1 --format str

Then you'll be able to update specific records as well.

List removed

usage: pyfulcrum listremoved [-h] [--cached]
                             [--urlparams URLPARAMS [URLPARAMS ...]]

List locally removed resources

positional arguments:
  resource              Name of resource to list (projects, forms, records,
                        values, media)

Sample invocations:

  • list removed records
$ ./ listremoved records --format str

Record: id=29ac7df1-69e8-4227-bb1c-9040196d3d4c status=fff form_id=dd7449cc-ef64-456f-9dc5-f2eca4afc07d
 field deweeee TextField: deweeee
   value: Vddy
 field eeeee YesNoField: eeeee
   value: yes
 field ewrewerw TextField: ewrewerw
   value: 568
 field qwqwq ChoiceField: qwqwq
   value: {'other_values': [], 'choice_values': ['cccc', 'ddd']}


Storage handling is fairly simple. What is needed is a dedicated directory, to which files will be written. Optionally, storage can be exposed by http server, then you need to provide urlbase under which static files will be served.

Files are stored from the root of storage, in following path template: ${form_id}/${media_id}/${media_type}_${media_size}.

media_type is a name of media, can be one of: video, photo, audio or signature.

media_size is name of size for processed file. Each media file comes in several sizes, like several types of thumbnails. Depending on type of resource, sizes list can vary, but each media type has at least original size. Below is a list of media types and list of media sizes:

Media type Media size
video thumbnail_small, thumbnail_medium,
thumbnail_large, thumbnail_huge,
small, medium,
photo large, thumbnail, original
signature large, thumbnail, original
audio small, medium, original

Because multiple versions of media files are stored, it's important to provide sufficient amount of free space for storage.

Use case: performing full form backup

In order to do full form backup, series of commands are needed to be executed:

./ list forms

From output you should get ID of form you want to backup. We'll use FORM_ID placeholder for that value.

./ list records --urlparams form_id=FORM_ID
./ list photos --urlparams form_id=FORM_ID
./ list audio --urlparams form_id=FORM_ID
./ list videos --urlparams form_id=FORM_ID
./ list signatures --urlparams form_id=FORM_ID

Running tests

PyFulcrum library comes with test suite. To run tests, install test-phase dependencies:

venv/bin/pip install -r lib/test-requirements.txt

Tests don't require Fulcrum API key, but require test database to be created, also they will store test media data in lib/examples/tests directory.

Assuming you're using the same database cluster, create pyfulcrum_test database for pyfulcrum user:

psql -U postgres -c "create database pyfulcrum_test owner pyfulcrum;"
psql -U pyfulcrum -c "create extension postgis;"

You don't need to run migrations on that database.

Test runner requires database url to be passed as TEST_DB_URL environmental variable. Then you can run test suite:

TEST_DB_URL=postgresql://pyfulcrum:pyfulcrum@localhost/pyfulcrum_test venv/bin/pytest --cov=pyfulcrum.lib
