This code is far from the repository from which it was forked. JSON-RPC-2.0 implementation for AngularJS.
For Usage see test.js
An example JSFiddle is working here:
Instead of creating a new factory for handling jsonrpc request, this angular module (angular-json-rpc) creates a new shortcut just like $http.get, but is instead $http.jsonrpc;
This code is under WTFPL.
- By cfairweather
In your module, import 'angular-json-rpc':
angular.module('test-module-jsonrpc', ['angular-json-rpc'])
//url, method, parameters, config
$http.jsonrpc('url/to/jsonrpc/service', 'methodToCall', [1, 2, 3], {}).success(function(){}).error(function(){});
For more information on callacks, see $http.