diff --git a/core/serial.js b/core/serial.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6036deb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/serial.js
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+/* Created by Fry on 7/11/16.
+//On Mac, to see serial ports, open Terminal app and enter: ls /dev/tty.* or ls /dev/cu.*
+// https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/terminal-basics/all geared toward windows, but servicable.
+//for devices, mac and linux have both tty and cu for full duplex. windows only has tty.
+//Macintosh problems
+//sparkfun RedBoard is an arduino Uno, what james loaned me.
+//didn't work for uploading programs to the board.
+//Arduino Micro and Leonado have something special ie "mouse and kbd support
+//that allows them to work on Mac. I got Arduino Leonardo because
+//arduino mciro can't take shields.
+//Mike says some ardino boards don't work on mac, get a micro-arduino from Microcenter.
+ // http://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-Hackspace/ tues 6:30PM union sq somerville
+ //https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Firmata a Kketch for prototcol
+ //that interfaces to javascript via https://github.com/firmata/firmata.js?utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer&utm_content=buffer52691
+//firmata provides the sketch for arduino and protolcoe. firmata .js is a way to use it
+//from js, johnny 5 and cylon use firmata underneath and build on top of it.
+//to make a "compiled" file of a arduino sketch, edit the sketch, then use File menu/Sketch/export compiled binary
+//gort: CLI that can upload .hex files into an arduino board. for mac, win. linux
+ The ATmega32U4 on the Micro comes preprogrammed with a bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the AVR109 protocol.
+ You can also bypass the bootloader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header using Arduino ISP or similar; see these instructions for details.
+temboo IOT js connectivity requires setting up a local js server to use.
+// http://www.penvon.com/b/robotics-projects-github-cm596 johnny5 has 3 times the github stars as cylon
+ // ie 6K vs 2K July, 2016
+//strategy: sandbox never has to know connectionIDs, just paths.
+//keep map between them on the UI side
+var SerialPort = require('serialport') //"To use SerialPort, you must call serial_port_init() first."
+module.exports.SerialPort = SerialPort
+//caled fron ready.js. Prevents error when loading job _engine (and this file)
+//on Dexter hardware
+function serial_port_init() {
+ //SerialPort = require('serialport') //now this is always done.
+ warning("Calling serial_port_init() is no longer necessary to use the serial port capability.
" +
+ "It now does nothing.")
+module.exports.serial_port_init = serial_port_init
+var serial_path_to_info_map = {}
+module.exports.serial_path_to_info_map = serial_path_to_info_map
+function serial_path_to_info(path){
+ return serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+function serial_devices(){
+ if(platform === "dde") {
+ let dde_ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer //can't just use global const ipcRenderer here but I don't know why
+ const reply = dde_ipc.sendSync('serial_devices')
+ return reply
+ }
+ else {
+ dde_error("The function 'serial_devices' can only be used on dde proper,
" +
+ "not on the Job Engine.
" +
+ "You must use serial_devices_async on the Job Engine.")
+ }
+module.exports.serial_devices = serial_devices
+function serial_devicies_async_callback_default(err, ports){
+ if(err) {
+ dde_error("serial_devices_async errored with: " + err.message)
+ }
+ else {
+ out("Available serial ports:
" + JSON.stringify(ports))
+ }
+function serial_devices_async(callback = serial_devicies_async_callback_default){
+ SerialPort.list(callback)
+module.exports.serial_devices_async = serial_devices_async
+//only used for testing.
+function serial_connect_low_level(path, options, capture_n_items=1, item_delimiter="\n",
+ trim_whitespace = true,
+ parse_items=true, capture_extras=false,
+ callback=onReceiveCallback_low_level,
+ error_callback=onReceiveErrorCallback_low_level){
+ const port = new SerialPort(path, options)
+ serial_path_to_info_map[path] =
+ {path: path, //Needed because sometinmes we get the info without having the path thru serial_path_to_connection_idsimulate: simulate,
+ simulate: false,
+ port: port,
+ capture_n_items: capture_n_items,
+ item_delimiter: item_delimiter,
+ trim_whitespace: trim_whitespace,
+ parse_items: parse_items,
+ capture_extras: capture_extras,
+ pending_input: ""}
+ port.on('open', function(err){
+ if (err) {
+ dde_error("new SerialPort to path: " + path + " errored with; " + err)
+ }
+ else {
+ out("Serial connection made to: " + path)
+ port.on('data', function(data) { callback.call(null, data, path) } )
+ port.on('error', function(data) { error_callback.call(null, data, path) } )
+ out(stringify_value(serial_path_to_info_map[path]))
+ }
+ })
+module.exports.serial_connect_low_level = serial_connect_low_level
+//not used by DDE robots
+function serial_send_low_level(path, content){
+ let info = serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+ if (info){
+ let arr =
+ info.port.write(content, //convertStringToArrayBuffer(content),
+ function(error){ //can't rely on this getting called before onReceived so mostly pretend like its not called, except in error cases
+ if (error){
+ dde_error("In serial_send callback to path: " + path +
+ " got the error: " + error.message)
+ }
+ else {
+ out("serial write just sent: " + content)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ dde_error("In serial_send, attempt to send to path: " + path +
+ " which doesn't have info.")
+ }
+module.exports.serial_send_low_level = serial_send_low_level
+//called by serial_connect AND Serial.send
+function serial_init_one_info_map_item(path, options, simulate=null, capture_n_items=1, item_delimiter="\n",
+ trim_whitespace=true,
+ parse_items=true, capture_extras="error"){
+ let sim_actual = Robot.get_simulate_actual(simulate)
+ serial_path_to_info_map[path] =
+ {path: path, //Needed because sometimes we get the info without having the path thru serial_path_to_connection_id
+ simulate: sim_actual,
+ capture_n_items: capture_n_items,
+ item_delimiter: item_delimiter,
+ trim_whitespace: trim_whitespace,
+ parse_items: parse_items,
+ capture_extras: capture_extras,
+ pending_input: ""}
+//called from robot.js
+function serial_connect(path, options, simulate=null, capture_n_items=1, item_delimiter="\n",
+ trim_whitespace=true,
+ parse_items=true, capture_extras="error", job_instance){ //"ignore", "capture", "error"
+ const sim_actual = Robot.get_simulate_actual(simulate)
+ serial_init_one_info_map_item(path, options, simulate, capture_n_items, item_delimiter,
+ trim_whitespace, parse_items, capture_extras)
+ if(sim_actual === true){ //if its "both" we let the below handle it. Don't want to call serial_new_socket_callback twice when sim is "both"
+ serial_new_socket_callback(path, job_instance) //don't need to simulate socket_id for now
+ }
+ if ((sim_actual === false) || (sim_actual == "both")){
+ const port = new SerialPort(path, options)
+ port.on('open', function(err){
+ if (err) {
+ dde_error("new SerialPort to path: " + path + " errored with; " + err)
+ }
+ else {
+ out("Serial connection made to: " + path)
+ serial_path_to_info_map[path].port = port
+ serial_new_socket_callback(path, job_instance)
+ let the_path = path //needed for closed over var below
+ port.on('data', function(data) { serial_onReceiveCallback(data, the_path) } )
+ port.on('error', function(data) { onReceiveErrorCallback(data, the_path) } )
+ }
+ })
+ }
+module.exports.serial_connect = serial_connect
+function serial_new_socket_callback(path, job_instance){
+ console.log("serial_new_socket_callback passed: " + "path: " + path)
+ Serial.set_a_robot_instance_socket_id(path, job_instance)
+//_______send data to serial_______
+//function convertArrayBufferToString(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf));}
+function convertArrayBufferToString(buf, content_length=null) {
+ let bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
+ let encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bufView);
+ let result = decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
+ if (content_length){ result = result.substring(0, content_length) }
+ return result
+function convertStringToArrayBuffer(str) {
+ var buf=new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
+ var bufView=new Uint8Array(buf);
+ for (var i=0; i")
+ out("onReceiveCallback_low_level got " + number_of_new_chars_on_end + " bytes of data:
" + new_str_formatted + ".")
+ }
+ else {
+ out("onReceiveCallback_low_level got no data.")
+ }
+function serial_make_default_robot_status_maybe(info){
+ if(info.robot_status) { return }
+ else {
+ let job_instance = Job.last_job
+ info.robot_status = []
+ info.robot_status[Serial.JOB_ID] = job_instance.program_counter // 0
+ info.robot_status[Serial.INSTRUCTION_ID = job_instance.job_id] // 1
+ info.robot_status[Serial.START_TIME] = Date.now() // 2 ms since jan 1, 1970? From Dexter's clock
+ info.robot_status[Serial.STOP_TIME] = Date.now() // 3 ms since jan 1, 1970? From Dexter's clock
+ info.robot_status[Serial.INSTRUCTION_TYPE] = "I" // 4 "oplet"
+ info.robot_status[Serial.ERROR_CODE] = 0 // 5 0 means no error
+ }
+function serial_onReceiveCallback(info_from_board, path) { //if there's an error, onReceiveErrorCallback will be called instead
+ //out("top of serial_onReceiveCallback")
+ if (info_from_board.length) { //info.connectionId == expectedConnectionId &&
+ //let str = convertArrayBufferToString(info_from_board.buffer, info_from_board.length); //note that if aruino program
+ let str = info_from_board.toString()
+ //str should now have in it the NEW chars sent from the serial port.
+ //has Serial.println("turned off1"); int foo = 2 + 3; Serial.println("turned off2");
+ //then this is ONE call to serial_onReceiveCallback with a string "turned off1\r\nturned off2\t\n"
+ //so that 1 string should count for 2 items from the board from the dde standpoint.
+ //maybe the board software batches up the 2 strings and maybe chrome recieve does.
+ //whichever, I need to handle it.
+ //Note 2: when simulating, often info_from_board.length will return undefined.
+ //this is ok as convertArrayBufferToString will just go with the length of the
+ //info_from_board.buffer, which will usually be correct for the content.
+ out("serial_onReceiveCallback got " + info_from_board.length + " byte string: '" + str + "'.")
+ let info = serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+ if (!info) {
+ warning("serial_onReceiveCallback got path: " + path + " that's not a known DDE connected path which is possibly OK if you've got other serial devices sending in data.")
+ }
+ else {
+ info.robot_status[Serial.ERROR_CODE] = 0 //since onRecievedErrorCallback wasn't called in place of this,
+ //we know it didn't error. Can't rely on send callback getting called so do this here.
+ //first process the returned string
+ let delim = info.item_delimiter //can be multi_character.
+ if ((delim === "") || (delim === 0)) { //str holds exactly one item. we never put a substr in pending
+ if (left_to_capture(info) > 0) {
+ serial_store_str_in_rs(str, info)
+ if (left_to_capture(info) == 0){
+ serial_on_done_with_sending(info.robot_status, info.path)
+ }
+ else { out("waiting for more strings from robot.") }
+ //beware, they might never come in which case the job is just hanging.
+ //TODO: Add a timeout option which continues anyway.
+ //the job has status_code "running" but is really paused waiting for response.
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "capture"){
+ serial_send_extra_item_to_job(str, info.path, false, info) //false means everything ok
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "error"){
+ serial_send_extra_item_to_job(str, info.path, true, info) //true means job should error
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "ignore") {}
+ else { dde_error("serial_onReceiveCallback got invalid capture_extras value of: " + info.capture_extras) }
+ }
+ else if (typeof(delim) == "string"){
+ if (str === "") {}//we do have a real delimiter, but no delimiter in the input str and no chars so this is a no_op
+ else {
+ info.pending_input += str
+ while(true) {
+ let delim_index = info.pending_input.indexOf(delim);
+ if(delim_index == -1) { break; }
+ // no "full" items in the pending input so break now and wait for more data from the serial port
+ else { //at least one more full item in pending_input. grab it!
+ let item = info.pending_input.substring(0, delim_index)
+ info.pending_input = info.pending_input.substring(delim_index + delim.length)
+ if (info.trim_whitespace) { item = item.trim() }
+ if (left_to_capture(info) > 0) {
+ serial_store_str_in_rs(item, info)
+ if (left_to_capture(info) == 0){
+ serial_on_done_with_sending(info.robot_status, info.path)
+ }
+ else { out("waiting for more strings from robot.") }
+ //beware, they might never come in which case the job is just hanging.
+ //TODO: Add a timeout option which continues anyway.
+ //the job has status_code "running" but is really paused waiting for response.
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "capture"){
+ serial_send_extra_item_to_job(item, info.path, false, info) //false means everything ok
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "error"){
+ serial_send_extra_item_to_job(item, info.path, true, info) //true means job should error
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "ignore") {}
+ else { dde_error("serial_onReceiveCallback got invalid capture_extras value of: " + info.capture_extras) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (typeof(delim) == "number"){
+ str = info.pending_input + str //pending_input will never contain a delim
+ info.pending_input = "" //we're using it, so makes this empty, just so there's no using pending twice.
+ if (str === "") {}//we do have a real delimter, but no delimiter in the input str and no chars so this is a no_op
+ else {
+ while(true){
+ if (str.length >= delim){
+ let item = str.substr(0, delim) //the item this time in the loop
+ str = str.slice(delim) //get ready for the NEXT iteration
+ if (left_to_capture(info) > 0) {
+ serial_store_str_in_rs(item, info)
+ if (left_to_capture(info) == 0){
+ serial_on_done_with_sending(info.robot_status, info.path)
+ }
+ else { out("waiting for more strings from robot.") }
+ //beware, they might never come in which case the job is just hanging.
+ //TODO: Add a timeout option which continues anyway.
+ //the job has status_code "running" but is really paused waiting for response.
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "capture"){
+ serial_send_extra_item_to_job(item, info.path, false, info) //false means everything ok
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "error"){
+ serial_send_extra_item_to_job(item, info.path, true, info) //true means job should error
+ }
+ else if (info.capture_extras == "ignore") {}
+ else { dde_error("serial_onReceiveCallback got invalid capture_extras value of: " + info.capture_extras) }
+ }
+ else {
+ info.pending = str //might be "" and that's ok
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ dde_error("serial_onReceiveCallback got an item_delimiter of: " + delim + " which is not valid because its not a string or an integer.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function serial_parse_string_maybe(str, info){
+ if (info.parse_items) {
+ try {
+ str = JSON.parse(str)
+ }
+ catch(e) {}
+ }
+ return str
+function serial_store_str_in_rs(str, info){
+ str = serial_parse_string_maybe(str, info)
+ info.robot_status.push(str)
+function onReceiveErrorCallback_low_level(info_from_board, path) {
+ //let id = info_from_board.connectionId
+ let errnum = info_from_board.error
+ let error_codes = ["disconnected", "timeout", "device_lost", "break", "frame_error", "overrun",
+ "buffer_overflow", "parity_error", "system_error"] //beware,
+ //it wouldn't surprise me if "disconnected" was really error_code 1 instead of 0.
+ //but this is what https://developer.chrome.com/apps/serial#event-onReceive sez.
+ let info = serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+ let rs = info.robot_status
+ out("onReceiveErrorCallback called with path: " + info.path, "red")
+ rs[Serial.ERROR_CODE] = error_codes[errnum]
+ serial_on_done_with_sending(rs, info.path)
+function onReceiveErrorCallback(info_from_board, path) {
+ //let id = info_from_board.connectionId
+ let errnum = info_from_board.error
+ let error_codes = ["disconnected", "timeout", "device_lost", "break", "frame_error", "overrun",
+ "buffer_overflow", "parity_error", "system_error"] //beware,
+ //it wouldn't surprise me if "disconnected" was really error_code 1 instead of 0.
+ //but this is what https://developer.chrome.com/apps/serial#event-onReceive sez.
+ let info = serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+ let rs = info.robot_status
+ out("onReceiveErrorCallback called with path: " + info.path, "red")
+ rs[Serial.ERROR_CODE] = error_codes[errnum]
+ serial_on_done_with_sending(rs, info.path)
+//like socket on_receive
+function serial_on_done_with_sending(robot_status, path){
+ robot_status[Serial.STOP_TIME] = Date.now()
+ out("serial_on_done_with_sending with rs: " + robot_status)
+ let job_id = robot_status[Serial.JOB_ID]
+ let job_instance = Job.job_id_to_job_instance(job_id)
+ let ins_id = robot_status[Serial.INSTRUCTION_ID]
+ let ins = ((ins_id >= 0) ? job_instance.do_list[ins_id] : null)
+ let rob
+ if (ins && ins.robot) { rob = ins.robot } //used when instruction src code has a subject of a robot isntance
+ else { rob = job_instance.robot } //get the default robot for the job
+ rob.robot_done_with_instruction(robot_status)
+function serial_send_extra_item_to_job(string_from_robot, path, is_error=false, info){ //info only needed on UI side.
+ string_from_robot = serial_parse_string_maybe(string_from_robot, info) //after this, might not be a string anymore
+ let job_instance = Serial.get_job_with_robot_path(path)
+ if (job_instance){
+ job_instance.robot.robot_status.push(string_from_robot) //just add to the current robot_status. Might not be right.
+ if (is_error){
+ job_instance.stop_for_reason("errored", "Serial robot returned unexpected extra string: " + string_from_robot)
+ }
+ }
+function serial_flush(path){
+ let info = serial_path_to_info(path)
+ if (info && ((info.simulate === false) || (info.simulate === "both"))) {
+ info.port.flush(function(){ out("Serial path: " + path + " flushed.") })
+ }
+ else {
+ warning("Attempt to serial_flush path: " + path + " but that path doesn't have info.")
+ }
+module.exports.serial_flush = serial_flush
+//with an arduino connected, this disconnects but then immdiately afterwards,
+//a new connection is automatically made with 1 higher port number and same path.
+function serial_disconnect(path){
+ let info = serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+ if (info){
+ if((info.simulate === false) || (info.simulate === "both")) {
+ info.port.close(out)
+ serial_flush(path) //perhaps unnecessary
+ }
+ delete serial_path_to_info_map[path]
+ }
+module.exports.serial_disconnect = serial_disconnect
+function serial_disconnect_all(){
+ for(let path of Object.keys(serial_path_to_info_map)){
+ serial_disconnect(path)
+ }
+module.exports.serial_disconnect_all = serial_disconnect_all
+var {dde_error} = require("./utils.js")