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Andrew Lambert edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 31 revisions

##Introduction libsodium is a cross-platform fork of the NaCl cryptographic library. It provides secret-key and public-key encryption (XSalsa20), message authentication (Poly1305), digital signatures (Ed25519), key exchange (X25519), generic hashing (BLAKE2b) and password hashing (scrypt or Argon2), in addition to facilities for secure memory allocations and constant-time string comparisons.

RB-libsodium is a libsodium binding for Realbasic and Xojo ("classic" framework) projects. It is designed and tested using REALstudio 2011r4.3 on Windows 7. Library binaries for a number of platforms are available, or can built from source.

##Example This example generates a private key, derives the corresponding public key, for both a sender and recipient; and encrypts and decrypts a message:

  ' generate a new private key for the sender
  Dim senderprivkey As MemoryBlock = libsodium.PKI.RandomKey()
  ' derive the sender's public key
  Dim senderkeys As libsodium.PKI.EncryptionKey = libsodium.PKI.EncryptionKey.Derive(senderprivkey) 
  ' generate a new private key for the recipient
  Dim recipientprivkey As MemoryBlock = libsodium.PKI.RandomKey()
  ' derive the recipient's public key
  Dim recipientkeys As libsodium.PKI.EncryptionKey = libsodium.PKI.EncryptionKey.Derive(recipientprivkey)
  ' the nonce is not secret but shouldn't be reused
  Dim nonce As MemoryBlock = libsodium.PKI.RandomNonce()
  ' encrypt the message
  Dim cleartext As String = "Attack at dawn."
  Dim crypttext As String = libsodium.PKI.EncryptData(cleartext, recipientkeys.PublicKey, senderkeys, nonce)
  ' decrypt the message
  Dim decrypted As String = libsodium.PKI.DecryptData(crypttext, senderkeys.PublicKey, recipientkeys, nonce)


  • Guarded heap allocations
  • Mark memory as non-swapable
  • Securely hash passwords using hard hash functions
  • Secret-key and public-key cryptography
  • Key exchange
  • Secret-key message authentication
  • Public-key message signatures


It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with libsodium, as this documentation is for the wrapper itself and not the underlying library.

The wrapper is divided into three main parts: secret-key (SKI), public-key (PKI), and non-cryptographic (everything else).

##How to incorporate libsodium into your Realbasic/Xojo project ###Import the libsodium module

  1. Download the RB-libsodium project either in ZIP archive format or by cloning the repository with your Git client.
  2. Open the RB-libsodium project in REALstudio or Xojo. Open your project in a separate window.
  3. Copy the libsodium module into your project and save.

###Ensure the libsodium shared library is installed libsodium is not ordinarily installed by default on most operating systems, you will need to ship necessary DLL/SO/DyLibs with your application. You can use pre-built binaries available here, or you can build them yourself from source.

RB-libsodium will raise a PlatformNotSupportedException when used if all required DLLs/SOs/DyLibs are not available at runtime.


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