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73 lines (50 loc) · 1.46 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (50 loc) · 1.46 KB

Development Instructions

Setup and installation

Initial setup and installation:

  • Install and activate Python 3.11.0. It's recommended to use pyenv for this.
  • Install required python dependencies:
% poetry install
  • Use Volta for Node version management
  • Install required Javascript dependencies:
% npm install
  • Set secrets to a local .env file:
% echo DEBUG=True >> .env
% echo DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(poetry run python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())") >> .env
  • Then, update your file.
# Add the following lines
import environ
from dotenv import load_dotenv


env = environ.FileAwareEnv(
    DEBUG=(bool, False)

# [...]

# Update this existing value
DEBUG = env('DEBUG')

# Update this existing value
  • Create a new database and update your database settings accordingly
  • Run database migrations:
make migrate

Install pre-commmit hooks

The project uses pre-commit to install and manage commit hooks to ensure consistently formatted code. To install, run:

% pre-commit install

Current hooks include Black for Python formatting, isort for standardized imports, djhtml for consistent indentation in templates, and prettier for Javascript, CSS, and related files.

Unit Tests

Python tests are called with make test.