- [bookernath] Add support for product reviews CRUD
- [mattolson] Update badges for pypip.in
- [bc-bfenton] Updating code for pep8 compliance
- [bookernath] Add gift certs and banners as resources
- [bookernath] Fix bug with path counting
- [jtallieu] Add support for Google product mappings endpoint
- [mattolson] Add counts for all resources and subresources that support it
- [mattolson] Refactor to allow override of paths; Extract delete_all into a separate class
- [sebaacuna] Add support for Product count
- [mattolson] Allow override of auth endpoint with environment var
- [mattolson] Allow override of API endpoint with environment var
- [hockeybuggy] Cleanup whitespace
- [Alir3z4, hockeybuggy] Add Webhooks resource
- [skyler] Update README
- [sgerrand] Update README
- The beginning of time (at least as far as this change log is concerned).