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MQTT Protocol Binding for CloudEvents - Version 1.0.2


The MQTT Protocol Binding for CloudEvents defines how events are mapped to MQTT 3.1.1 (OASIS; ISO/IEC 20922:2016) and MQTT 5.0 (OASIS) messages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  1. Use of CloudEvents Attributes
  1. MQTT PUBLISH Message Mapping
  1. References

1. Introduction

CloudEvents is a standardized and protocol-agnostic definition of the structure and metadata description of events. This specification defines how the elements defined in the CloudEvents specification are to be used in MQTT PUBLISH (3.1.1, 5.0) messages.

1.1. Conformance

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

1.2. Relation to MQTT

This specification does not prescribe rules constraining transfer or settlement of event messages with MQTT; it solely defines how CloudEvents are expressed as MQTT PUBLISH messages (3.1.1, 5.0).

1.3. Content Modes

The specification defines two content modes for transferring events: structured and binary.

The binary mode only applies to MQTT 5.0, because of MQTT 3.1.1's lack of support for custom metadata.

In the structured content mode, event metadata attributes and event data are placed into the MQTT PUBLISH message payload section using an event format.

In the binary content mode, the value of the event data is placed into the MQTT PUBLISH message's payload section as-is, with the datacontenttype attribute value declaring its media type in the MQTT PUBLISH message's Content Type property; all other event attributes are mapped to User Property fields.

1.4. Event Formats

Event formats, used with the structured content mode, define how an event is expressed in a particular data format. All implementations of this specification that support the structured content mode MUST support the JSON event format.

1.5. Security

This specification does not introduce any new security features for MQTT, or mandate specific existing features to be used.

2. Use of CloudEvents Attributes

This specification does not further define any of the CloudEvents event attributes.

This mapping is intentionally robust against changes, including the addition and removal of event attributes, and also accommodates vendor extensions to the event metadata.

2.1. datacontenttype Attribute

The datacontenttype attribute is assumed to contain a RFC2046 compliant media-type expression.

2.2. data

data is assumed to contain opaque application data that is encoded as declared by the datacontenttype attribute.

An application is free to hold the information in any in-memory representation of its choosing, but as the value is transposed into MQTT as defined in this specification, the assumption is that the data value is made available as a sequence of bytes.

For instance, if the declared datacontenttype is application/json;charset=utf-8, the expectation is that the data value is made available as UTF-8 encoded JSON text for use in MQTT.

3. MQTT PUBLISH Message Mapping

With MQTT 5.0, the content mode is chosen by the sender of the event. Protocol usage patterns that might allow solicitation of events using a particular content mode might be defined by an application, but are not defined here.

The receiver of the event can distinguish between the two content modes by inspecting theContent Type property of the MQTT PUBLISH message. If the value of the Content Type property is prefixed with the CloudEvents media type application/cloudevents, indicating the use of a known event format, the receiver uses structured mode, otherwise it defaults to binary mode.

If a receiver finds a CloudEvents media type as per the above rule, but with an event format that it cannot handle, for instance application/cloudevents+avro, it MAY still treat the event as binary and forward it to another party as-is.

When the Content Type header value is not prefixed with the CloudEvents media type, knowing when the message ought to be parsed as a CloudEvent can be a challenge. While this specification can not mandate that senders do not include any of the CloudEvents properties when the message is not a CloudEvent, it would be reasonable for a receiver to assume that if the message has all of the mandatory CloudEvents attributes as message properties then it's probably a CloudEvent. However, as with all CloudEvent messages, if it does not adhere to all of the normative language of this specification then it is not a valid CloudEvent.

With MQTT 3.1.1, the content mode is always structured and the message payload MUST use the JSON event format.

3.1. Binary Content Mode

The binary content mode accommodates any shape of event data, and allows for efficient transfer and without transcoding effort.

3.1.1. MQTT PUBLISH Content Type

For the binary mode, the MQTT PUBLISH message's Content Type property MUST be mapped directly to the CloudEvents datacontenttype attribute.

3.1.2. Event Data Encoding

The data byte-sequence MUST be used as the payload of the MQTT PUBLISH message.

3.1.3. Metadata Headers

All other CloudEvents context attributes, including extensions, MUST be individually mapped to and from the User Property fields in the MQTT PUBLISH message.

CloudEvents extensions that define their own attributes MAY define a secondary mapping to MQTT user properties or features for those attributes, especially if specific attributes need to align with MQTT features, or with other specifications that have explicit MQTT header bindings. However, they MUST also include the previously defined primary mapping. User Property Names

CloudEvents attribute names MUST be used unchanged in each mapped User Property in the MQTT PUBLISH message. User Property Values

The value for each MQTT PUBLISH User Property MUST be constructed from the respective CloudEvents attribute type's canonical string representation.

3.1.4 Examples

This example shows the binary mode mapping of an event into the MQTT 5.0 PUBLISH message. The CloudEvents datacontenttype attribute is mapped to the MQTT PUBLISH Content Type field; all other CloudEvents attributes are mapped to MQTT PUBLISH User Property fields. The Topic name is chosen by the MQTT client and not derived from the CloudEvents event data.

Mind that Content Type here does refer to the event data content carried in the payload.

------------------ PUBLISH -------------------

Topic Name: mytopic
Content Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

------------- User Properties ----------------

specversion: 1.0
type: com.example.someevent
time: 2018-04-05T03:56:24Z
id: 1234-1234-1234
source: /mycontext/subcontext
datacontenttype: application/json; charset=utf-8
       .... further attributes ...

------------------ payload -------------------

    ... application data ...


3.2. Structured Content Mode

The structured content mode keeps event metadata and data together in the payload, allowing simple forwarding of the same event across multiple routing hops, and across multiple protocols. This is the only supported mode for MQTT 3.1.1

3.2.1. MQTT Content Type

For MQTT 5.0, the MQTT PUBLISH message's Content Type property MUST be set to the media type of an event format. For MQTT 3.1.1, the media type of the JSON event format is always implied:

Example for the JSON format:

content-type: application/cloudevents+json; charset=utf-8

3.2.2. Event Data Encoding

The chosen event format defines how all attributes, and data, are represented.

The event metadata and data MUST then be rendered in accordance with the event format specification and the resulting data becomes the MQTT PUBLISH payload.

3.2.3. Metadata Headers

For MQTT 5.0, implementations MAY include the same MQTT PUBLISH User Properties as defined for the binary mode.

3.2.4. Examples

The first example shows a JSON event format encoded event with MQTT 5.0

------------------ PUBLISH -------------------

Topic Name: mytopic
Content Type: application/cloudevents+json; charset=utf-8

------------------ payload -------------------

    "specversion" : "1.0",
    "type" : "com.example.someevent",
	"time" : 2018-04-05T03:56;24Z,
	"id" : 1234-1234-1234,
	"source" : "/mycontext/subcontext",
	"datacontenttype" : "application/json; charset=utf-8",

    ... further attributes omitted ...

    "data" : {
        ... application data ...


For MQTT 3.1.1, the example looks nearly identical, but Content Type is absent because not yet supported in that version of the MQTT specification and therefore application/cloudevents+json is implied:

------------------ PUBLISH -------------------

Topic Name: mytopic

------------------ payload -------------------

    "specversion" : "1.0",
    "type" : "com.example.someevent",
	"time" : 2018-04-05T03:56;24Z,
	"id" : 1234-1234-1234,
	"source" : "/mycontext/subcontext",
	"datacontenttype" : "application/json; charset=utf-8",

    ... further attributes omitted ...

    "data" : {
        ... application data ...


4. References

  • MQTT 3.1.1 MQTT Version 3.1.1
  • MQTT 5.0 MQTT Version 5.0
  • RFC2046 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types
  • RFC2119 Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
  • RFC3629 UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646
  • RFC4627 The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • RFC7159 The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format