A first cut at basic code to harvest specific dimensions and metrics from Google Analytics.
See reqiurements.pip for a list of dependencies. If you're running Ananconda, you can create a new environment with:
% conda create --name pyganalytics python=2.7
% activate pyganalytics (WIN)
% source activate pyganalytics (Linux)
Otherwise, use Virtual Environment:
% virtualenv --no-site-packages pyganalytics
% source pyganalytics/bin/activate (Linux)
And install Requirements
% pip install -r requirements.pip
You'll need to set up authentication.
- Create and authorize a project at Developers Console: console.developers.google.com
- Rename client_secret.json.template to client_secret.json
- Add Client ID & Client Secret values from Developers Console
- On first use, you will be prompted to authorize the app via a browser window.
Rename config.yml.template to config.yml
Add the ID for the view you want to analyze
- Under Analytics, select "Admin"
- Select an Account, Property, and View
- Click "View Settings"
- Copy and paste "View ID" into config.yml
By default, this configuration gives counts of pageviews by page
- You can change your metrics (only supports one at a time)
- You can change dimensions (supports a comma separated list)
Requires 3 arguments:
Output file name
Configuration yml file (supports multiple configurations)
Start Date (date to begin harvesting from)
End Date (default is current date)
# python analytics.py -o test.csv -c nyu.yml -f 2015-11-01
By default, it runs in "weekly mode", but if you see "sampling", can be changed to daily.
- Change rrule.WEEKLY to rrule.DAILY
- Change timedelta(days=6) to timedelta(days=0)
Note, the code herein is based on an older iteration of Google's HelloAnalyticsAPI Python code: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/quickstart/service-py
It is therefore licensed under an Apache 2.0 License.