- Change an object in some way
- Are called affine if they preserve straight lines
- Are state-based
- Accumulate
- Must be set before the object is drawn
- Are represented as matrices
- Exist on a stack that can be pushed and popped to control the cumulative effect of transformations
An example of a basic transformation (translate(x, y)
) in Processing:
translate(20, 0);
rect(0, 10, 70, 20); // Draws at (20, 10)
translate(30, 0);
rect(0, 30, 70, 20); // Draws at (50, 30)
rect(0, 50, 70, 20); // Draws at (20, 50)
translate(10, 30);
rect(0, 70, 70, 20); // Draws at (10, 100)
saves the current transformation on a first-in-last-out stackpopMatrix()
pops the matrix off the stack, undoing the effect of any transformations since the lastpushMatrix()
performs a rotation about the originrotate(radians(angle))
for degreesscale(x, y)
- In Processing, the order matters
General 2D affine transformation:
x' = ax + by + c
y' = dx + ey + f
Which can be represented in a matrix as:
|x'| |a b c| |x|
|y'| = |d e f| × |y|
|1 | |0 0 1| |1|
- Shifts all points by an equal amount
x' = x + ∆x
y' = y + ∆y
- Rotate a point by θ about the origin (in an anti-clockwise direction)
- In polar form:
x = rcosɸ
y = rsinɸ
x' = rcos(θ + ɸ) = xcosθ - ysinθ
y' = rsin(θ + ɸ) = ycosθ + xsinθ
In matrix form, we get:
|x'| = |cosθ -sinθ| × |x|
|y'| |sinθ cosθ| |y|
x' = ax
y' = by
In matrix form, we get:
|x'| = |a 0| × |x|
|y'| |0 b| |y|
- A transformation in which all points along a given line L remain fixed while other points are shifted parallel to L by a distance proportional to their perpendicular distance from L
- X-Shear:
x' = x + Shear_x(y)
y' = y
And in matrix form:
|x'| |1 S 0| |x|
|y'| = |0 1 0| × |y|
|1 | |0 0 1| |1|
- Y-Shear
y' = y + Shear_y(x)
x' = x
And in matrix form:
|x'| |1 0 0| |x|
|y'| = |S 1 0| × |y|
|1 | |0 0 1| |1|
Where S is the shear function
- Combining scaling and rotation is straightforward. If
deontes a rotation andS
a scaling matrix, thenA = RS
denotes scaling following by a rotationB = SR
denotes rotation followed by scaling
- Matrix multiplication is not commutative, so the order in which calculations are carried out is significant! That is,
AB != BA
- Representing a 2-vector (
) as a 3-vector ((x, y, 1)
) x' = 1x + 0y + 1t_x
y' = 0x + 1y + 1t_y
- And the following matrices:
|x'| |1 0 t_x| |x|
|y'| = |0 1 t_y| × |y|
|1 | |0 0 1 | |1|
For rotation:
|x'| |cosθ -sinθ 0| × |x|
|y'| = |sinθ cosθ 0| |y|
|1 | |0 0 1 | |1|
For scaling:
|x'| = |a 0 0| × |x|
|y'| |0 b 0| |y|
|1 | |0 0 1| |1|
- If we use an affine transformation to produce a transformed point
p' = Ap
then ifA^(-1)
exists, we havep = A^(-1)p
- For the basic transformation, the inverse can be calculated:
- T^(-1)(∆x, ∆y) = T(-∆x, -∆y)
- R^(-1)(θ) = R(-θ)
- S^(-1)(a, b) = S(1/a, 1/b)
- Furthermore, if the composite transformation is given by AB:
- (AB)^(-1) = B^(-1)A^(-1)
, which takes 16 floats representing the matrix to be multiplied to the current transformation matrix
In Processing, rotation is applied to the origin. To rotate an object about an arbitrary point, (x,y)
- Translate
to the origin - Rotate
- Translate back
to its original position
- World Coordinates: a user-defined coordinate system which has its own units of measures, axes and origin
- Window Coordinates: region of the 'world' that is visible
- Screen Coordinates: coordinate system used to address device display coordinates (usually pixels)
- Viewport: the rectangular region of the screen used to display the application
wx_min, wy_min
andwx_max, wy_max
defines a window in the worldvx_min, vy_min
andvx_max, vy_max
defines a window in the screen
S_x = (vx_max - vx_min)/(wx_max - wx_min)
S_y = (vy_max - vy_min)/(wy_max - wy_min)
- Translate
wx_min, wy_min
to the origin - Scale by
S_x, S_y
- Translate origin to
vx_min, vy_min
|1 0 vx_min| | S_x 0 0| |1 0 -wx_min|
|0 1 vy_min| × | 0 S_y 0| × |0 1 -wy_min|
|0 0 1 | | 0 0 1 | |0 0 1 |