- Simple Polygon:
- Edges intersect only at vertices
- No duplicate vertices
- Exactly two edges meet at any vertex
- Tessellation — surface subdivision into simpler polygons, used for:
- Display of concave polygons
- Polygons containing holes
- Polygons with intersecting edges
- Winding Number — the signed number of revolutions we make around that point while travelling once around the contour
- Counterclockwise is positive
- Clockwise is negative
- Winding Rule — classifies which region is "inside" a polygon (aka filled) given the winding number of a point
- e.g. if a point is "3" and the winding rule is "odd" then, it will be filled
— creates a new tessellation objectgluTessCallback()
— used to register callback functions to perform operations during tessellationgluTessProperty()
— specify properties- Create and render tessellated polygons by specifing the countours of one or more closed polygons
— to delete a tessellation object
Inside the display()
GLUtessellator tobj = glu.gluNewTess();
// vertexCallback
glu.gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU.GLU_TESS_VERTEX, tessCallback);
// beginCallback
glu.gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU.GLU_TESS_BEGIN, tessCallback);
// endCallBack
glu.gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU.GLU_TESS_END, tessCallback);
// errorCallback
glu.gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU.GLU_TESS_ERROR, tessCallback);
// combineCallback
glu.gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU.GLU_TESS_COMBINE, tessCallback);
// Rectangle with triangular hole inside
gl.glNewList(startList, GL2.GL_COMPILE);
glu.gluTessBeginPolygon(tobj, null);
// draw rectangle
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, rect[0], 0, rect[0]);
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, rect[1], 0, rect[1]);
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, rect[2], 0, rect[2]);
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, rect[3], 0, rect[3]);
// draw triangle
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, tri[0], 0, tri[0]);
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, tri[1], 0, tri[1]);
glu.gluTessVertex(tobj, tri[2], 0, tri[2]);