Healthchecks to be used with the Mule ESB.
Http healthchecks check for successful 2xx http status codes on all downstream service endpoints.
Healthchecks are generated at startup based on all Mule defined http-connectors within Mule flows
Open port healthchecks check for socket connections using the library. Open Port healthchecks are useful to check for network connectivity for known failover virtual server IPs on a load balancer such as a F5 LTM.
Open port connections are created in two ways:
- Properties file
- Generated at startup based on all Mule defined http-connectors within Mule flows. Open port healthchecks will use the hostname/IP defined in the http-connector
Certificate Expiration healthchecks check if a certificate has expired or is about to expire.
Healthchecks are generated at startup based on keystores/truststores using all Mule defined DefaultTlsContextFactorys