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Fogus edited this page Jul 23, 2013 · 8 revisions

Creating custom caches

This page will guide you through the steps required to create your own custom cache types. In this tutorial you will create a naive cache type LameCache with a very straight-forward and illustrative eviction policy.

The details of the implementation are as follows:

  • LameCache should work like a map
  • Its eviction policy is semi-random
  • It allows a threshold


The best place to start when attempting to create your own cache implementations with core.cache is with the CacheProtocol:

(defprotocol CacheProtocol
  "This is the protocol describing the basic cache capability."
  (lookup [cache e]
          [cache e not-found]
   "Retrieve the value associated with `e` if it exists, else `nil` in
   the 2-arg case.  Retrieve the value associated with `e` if it exists,
   else `not-found` in the 3-arg case.")
  (has?    [cache e]
   "Checks if the cache contains a value associtaed with `e`")
  (hit     [cache e]
   "Is meant to be called if the cache is determined to contain a value
   associated with `e`")
  (miss    [cache e ret]
   "Is meant to be called if the cache is determined to **not** contain a
   value associated with `e`")
  (evict  [cache e]
   "Removes an entry from the cache")
  (seed    [cache base]
   "Is used to signal that the cache should be created with a seed.
   The contract is that said cache should return an instance of its
   own type."))

The commentary on the cache protocol is fairly straight-forward, but there are subtlties in play that I will discuss herein.

The defcache convenience macro

The core.cache library provides a convenience macro for defining cache implementations called defcache. The advantage that defcache provides is that by implementing the CacheProtocol protocol your caches will automatically implement Clojure's associative data structure protocols as well. The defcache does this by implementing the associative behaviors in terms of the CacheProtocol.

All caveats apply regarding the proper usage patterns.

Implementing a custom cache

Therefore, to implement a version of LameCache, the defcache usage is as follows:

(defcache LameCache [cache ks threshold]

The first step is to name the type and to provide its attributes:

  • cache: The base storage structure
    • Should be an associative structure
    • Must be the first attribute listed
  • ks: A set of keys stored
  • threshold: The threshold defining the point when eviction policies take effect
  (lookup [_ item]
    (get cache item))
  (lookup [_ item not-found]
    (get cache item not-found))

The lookup method is straight-forward. Simply retrieve the item at the given key from the base cache.

  (has? [_ item]
    (contains? cache item))

The has? method is likewise straight-forward. Simply return true if a key is located in the base cache; false otherwise.

  (hit [this item] this)

The hit method in this case is trivial, it just returns the instance itself. If your cache implementation needs to track hit history then you would probably return a new instance with history updated.

  (miss [_ item result]
    (let [size (count cache)]
      (if (<= size threshold)
        (LameCache. (assoc cache item result)
                    (conj ks item)
        (let [new-cache (dissoc cache (first ks))
              new-keys  (dissoc ks item)]
          (LameCache. (assoc new-cache item result)
                      (conj item new-keys)

The miss method is where all the action takes place. That is, if the size of the base cache is less than the threshold then the cached value is staored in the base cache and its key in the ks set. However, if the threshold was breached then the first key in the ks set is removed from the base cache and ks and a new LameCache instance is returned with the new key and value added to cache and ks.

  (evict [_ key]
    (LameCache. (dissoc cache key)
                (dissoc ks key)

The evict method purges the value from the base cache and its key from ks, returning a new LameCache instance.

  (seed [_ base]
    (LameCache. base
                (set (keys base))

The seed function is meant to populate the cache with a set of known values. For LameCache the seed forms the base cache and its keys the ks. Seeding a cache is often a delicate matter and your custom caches may require some thought.

  (toString [_]
    (str cache)))

Finally, LameCache is given a lame toString method.

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