Domovoi is an extension to AWS Chalice to handle AWS Lambda event sources other than HTTP requests through API Gateway. Domovoi lets you easily configure and deploy a Lambda function to serve HTTP requests through ALB, on a schedule, or in response to a variety of events like an SNS or SQS message, S3 event, or custom state machine transition:
import json, boto3, domovoi
app = domovoi.Domovoi()
# Compared to API Gateway, ALB increases the response timeout from 30s to 900s, but reduces the payload
# limit from 10MB to 1MB. It also does not try to negotiate on the Accept/Content-Type headers.
def serve(event, context):
return dict(statusCode=200,
statusDescription="200 OK",
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body=json.dumps({"hello": "world"}))
@app.scheduled_function("cron(0 18 ? * MON-FRI *)")
def foo(event, context):
context.log("foo invoked at 06:00pm (UTC) every Mon-Fri")
return dict(result=True)
@app.scheduled_function("rate(1 minute)")
def bar(event, context):
context.log("bar invoked once a minute")
boto3.resource("sns").create_topic(Name="bartender").publish(Message=json.dumps({"beer": 1}))
return dict(result="Work work work")
def tend(event, context):
message = json.loads(event["Records"][0]["Sns"]["Message"])
context.log(dict(beer="Quadrupel", quantity=message["beer"]))
# SQS messages are deleted upon successful exit, requeued otherwise.
# See
@app.sqs_queue_subscriber("my_queue", batch_size=64)
def process_queue_messages(event, context):
message = json.loads(event["Records"][0]["body"])
message_attributes = event["Records"][0]["messageAttributes"]
# You can colocate a state machine definition with an SQS handler to launch a SFN driven lambda from SQS.
return app.state_machine.start_execution(**message)["executionArn"]
def monitor_ecs_events(event, context):
message = json.loads(event["Records"][0]["Sns"]["Message"])
context.log("Got an event from ECS: {}".format(message))
@app.s3_event_handler(bucket="myS3bucket", events=["s3:ObjectCreated:*"], prefix="foo", suffix=".bar")
def monitor_s3(event, context):
context.log("Got an event from S3: {}".format(event))
# Set use_sns=False, use_sqs=False to subscribe your Lambda directly to S3 events without forwarding them through an SNS-SQS bridge.
# That approach has fewer moving parts, but you can only subscribe one Lambda function to events in a given S3 bucket.
@app.s3_event_handler(bucket="myS3bucket", events=["s3:ObjectCreated:*"], prefix="foo", suffix=".bar", use_sns=False, use_sqs=False)
def monitor_s3(event, context):
context.log("Got an event from S3: {}".format(event))
# DynamoDB event format:
@app.dynamodb_stream_handler(table_name="MyDynamoTable", batch_size=200)
def handle_dynamodb_stream(event, context):
context.log("Got {} events from DynamoDB".format(len(event["Records"])))
context.log("First event: {}".format(event["Records"][0]["dynamodb"]))
# Use the following command to log a CloudWatch Logs message that will trigger this handler:
# python -c'import watchtower as w, logging as l; L=l.getLogger(); L.addHandler(w.CloudWatchLogHandler()); L.error(dict(x=8))'
# See for the filter pattern syntax
@app.cloudwatch_logs_sub_filter_handler(log_group_name="watchtower", filter_pattern="{$.x = 8}")
def monitor_cloudwatch_logs(event, context):
print("Got a CWL subscription filter event:", event)
# See
# See the "AWS Step Functions state machines" section below for a complete example of setting up a state machine.
@app.step_function_task(state_name="Worker", state_machine_definition=state_machine)
def worker(event, context):
return {"result": event["input"] + 1, "my_state": context.stepfunctions_task_name}
pip install domovoi
First-time setup:
domovoi new-project
Edit the Domovoi app entry point in
using examples above.Edit the IAM policy for your Lambda function in
to add any permissions it needs.Deploy the event handlers:
domovoi deploy
To stage files into the deployment package, use a domovoilib
directory in your project where you would use
in Chalice. For example, my_project/domovoilib/rds_cert.pem
becomes /var/task/domovoilib/rds_cert.pem
with your function executing in /var/task/
with /var/task
as the working directory. See the
Chalice docs for more information on how to set up Chalice configuration.
See Supported Event Sources for an overview of event sources that can be used to trigger Lambda functions. Domovoi supports the following event sources:
- ALB HTTPS requests
- SNS subscriptions
- SQS queues
- CloudWatch Events rule targets, including CloudWatch Scheduled Events (see CloudWatch Events Event Examples for a list of event types supported by CloudWatch Events)
- S3 events
- AWS Step Functions state machine tasks
- CloudWatch Logs filter subscriptions
- DynamoDB stream events
Possible future event sources to support:
- Kinesis stream events
- SES (email) events
Domovoi supports AWS Lambda integration with AWS Step Functions. Step Functions state machines can be started using the StartExecution method or the API Gateway Step Functions integration.
See the domovoi/examples directory for examples of Domovoi
apps using a state machine,
including a loop that restarts the Lambda when it's about to hit its execution time limit, and a threadpool pattern that
divides work between multiple Lambdas.
When creating a Step Functions State Machine driven Domovoi daemon Lambda, the State Machine assumes the same IAM role as
the Lambda itself. To allow the State Machine to invoke the Lambda, edit the IAM policy (under your app directory, in
) to include a statement allowing the "lambda:InvokeFunction" action on all resources, or on the
ARN of the Lambda itself.
To use your Lambda as an ALB target with the @alb_target(prefix="...")
decorator, you should pre-configure the
following resources in your AWS account:
- A Route 53 hosted DNS zone such as
, with a domain (
) pointing to it - An active (verified/issued) ACM certificate for a DNS name within your DNS zone, such as
After configuring these, set the alb_acm_cert_dns_name
configuration key in the file .chalice/config.json
your DNS name. For example:
{ "app_name": "my_app", ... "alb_acm_cert_dns_name": "" }
Domovoi will automatically create, manage, and link the ALB and DNS record in your Route 53 zone.
To enable your Lambda function to forward failed invocation notifications to dead letter queues, set the configuration key dead_letter_queue_target_arn
the file .chalice/config.json
to the target DLQ ARN. For example:
{ "app_name": "my_app", ... "dead_letter_queue_target_arn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my-dlq" }
You may need to update your Lambda IAM policy (.chalice/policy-dev.json
) to give your Lambda access to SNS or SQS.
For high volume Lambda invocations in accounts with multiple Lambdas, you may need to set per-function concurrency
limits to partition the overall concurrency
quota and prevent one set of Lambdas from overloading another. In Domovoi, you can do so by setting the configuration
key reserved_concurrent_executions
in the file .chalice/config.json
to the desired concurrency reservation. For
{ "app_name": "my_app", ... "reserved_concurrent_executions": 500 }
Please report bugs, issues, feature requests, etc. on GitHub.
Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.