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Network Abstraction Layer (NAL)


This document describes the design of the Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) used by the cloudFPGA platform.


A block diagram of the NAL is depicted in Figure 1.

It features the Processing of the AXI4 Lite control connection, a Port Open & Close logic, a TCP Agency, an Message Routing Table (MRT) Agency, a Cache Invalidation logic, and Status & Event Processing logic, and Sub-Systems for TCP (TSS) and UDP (USS).

Block Diagram of the NAL

Figure-1: Block diagram of the of the Network Abstraction Layer


The purpose of the NAL is to separate privileged management traffic from the unprivileged Role traffic, to ensure the traffic to and from the Role is/stays within the users' subnet, and to abstract the details of port opening, connection handling and IP Address translation.

The Role Interface for UDP / TCP traffic is defined by the Themisto Shell and can be summarized as follows:

hls::ap_uint<32>                 *po_rx_ports,    //Vector indicating Listening Ports 
hls::stream<NetworkWord>         &siNetwork_data, //Input data (UDP or TCP)
hls::stream<NetworkMetaStream>   &siNetwork_meta, //Input meta data
hls::stream<NetworkWord>         &soNetwork_data, //Output data (UDP or TCP)
hls::stream<NetworkMetaStream>   &soNetwork_meta  //Output meta data

The po_rx_ports defines the ports a Role wants to open. The ports are one-hot encoded starting at NAL_RX_MIN_PORT (for definition, see network.hpp). So a *po_rx_ports = 0xa would open the ports NAL_RX_MIN_PORT+0, NAL_RXMIN_PORT+1, and NAL_RX_MIN_PORT+3 for listening.

The network data is an AXI4 Stream with 64 bit width.

The meta data is a quintuple consisting of the following:

struct NetworkMeta {
  NodeId  dst_rank;   // The node-id where the data goest to (the FPGA itself if receiving)
  NrcPort dst_port;   // The receiving port
  NodeId  src_rank;   // The origin node-id (the FPGA itself if sending)
  NrcPort src_port;   // The origin port
  NetworkDataLength len;    // The length of this data chunk/packet (optional)


Please note, this interface is the same for UDP and TCP. All lower-level details are abstracted away by the NAL. To decide if a Role IP Core should be connected via UDP, TCP, or both, the signals of the Shell Role interface in the Role.v{hdl} should be connected as desired.

Supported Shells

Currently, only the Themisto Shell contains the NAL.

Main Functionality

The NAL is controlled by the FPGA Management Core FMC via an AXI4Lite bus. Through this connection, the NAL gets the list of allowed IP addresses for this Role, the mapping of IP addresses to NodeIds, and reports status as well as some debug information.

The split between management TCP traffic and "normal" user traffic is done by the TSS. For the TCP traffic, the FMC is connected via FIFOs (instantiated in Shell.v, so external to the NAL).

To map NodeIds or ranks to IPv4 addresses, the NAL maintains a Message Routing Table (MRT). This table is written via the AXI4 Lite controll link. The MRT Agency enables the access to this table via request/reply stream-pairs.

The TCP Agency keeps track of valid TCP sessions and translates them to IPv4 addresses and NodeIds or vice-versa, as requested by other cores via request/reply stream-pairs.

To handle the input of listen port request vectors (po_rx_ports, see above; piTcpRxPorts and piUdpRxPorts in Figure 1) for UDP and TCP, the Port Open & Close logic translates them in absolute opening or closing requests for the relevant UDP or TCP processes.

To reduce the latency of the NodeId <--> IpAddress (<--> TCP session Id) mapping, the USS and TSS are using Caches. The Cache Invalidation Logic detects conditions when those caches must be invalidated and signals this to all concerning processes (e.g. after a partial reconfiguration of the role, or the update of the MRT).

For debugging and monitoring, the USS and TSS systems create events (e.g. about a successful packet transmission, the meta data of the last connection, or an unauthorized access attempt) and send them to the Status & Event Processing. This process merges all those event notification, maps them to the correct status address in the AXI4 Lite address space, and forwards these updates to the AXI4Lite Processing Logic.

The details of the TSS and USS can be found here (TSS) and here (USS). The HSS is futher documented here.

HLS Coding Style and Naming Conventions

For the cloudFPGA specific HDL and HLS naming rules and conventions, please see the NTS documentation.

List of Components

The following table lists the sub-components of NAL and provides a link to their documentation as well as their architecture body.

Entity Description Architecture
Axi4Lite Processing Processing of Axi4Lite control bus. hss.cpp
MRT Agency Providing stream-based access to the Message Routing Table (MRT). hss.cpp
TCP Agency Providing stream-based access to the TCP session-to-triple table. hss.cpp
Port Open & Close Handling of the user open & close port vectors. hss.cpp
Status & Event Processing Processing of the Event notification and maintains the status table. nal.cpp
USS UDP Sub-System uss.cpp
TSS TCP Sub-System tss.cpp

Description of the Interfaces

The HLS entity declaration of the NAL is specified as follows:

void nal_main(
    // ----- link to FMC -----
    //state of the FPGA
    ap_uint<1>                     *layer_4_enabled,
    ap_uint<1>                     *layer_7_enabled,
    ap_uint<1>                     *role_decoupled,
    // ready signal from NTS
    ap_uint<1>                  *piNTS_ready,
    // ----- link to MMIO ----
    ap_uint<16>                 *piMMIO_FmcLsnPort,
    ap_uint<32>                 *piMMIO_CfrmIp4Addr,
    // -- my IP address 
    ap_uint<32>                 *myIpAddress,

    //-- ROLE UDP connection
    ap_uint<32>                 *pi_udp_rx_ports,
    stream<NetworkWord>         &siUdp_data,
    stream<NetworkWord>         &soUdp_data,
    stream<NetworkMetaStream>   &siUdp_meta,
    stream<NetworkMetaStream>   &soUdp_meta,

    // -- ROLE TCP connection
    ap_uint<32>                 *pi_tcp_rx_ports,
    stream<NetworkWord>         &siTcp_data,
    stream<NetworkMetaStream>   &siTcp_meta,
    stream<NetworkWord>         &soTcp_data,
    stream<NetworkMetaStream>   &soTcp_meta,

    // -- FMC TCP connection
    stream<TcpAppData>          &siFMC_data,
    stream<TcpAppMeta>          &siFMC_SessId,
    stream<TcpAppData>          &soFMC_data,
    stream<TcpAppMeta>          &soFMC_SessId,

    //-- UOE / Control Port Interfaces
    stream<UdpPort>             &soUOE_LsnReq,
    stream<StsBool>             &siUOE_LsnRep,
    stream<UdpPort>             &soUOE_ClsReq,
    stream<StsBool>             &siUOE_ClsRep,
    //-- UOE / Rx Data Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppData>          &siUOE_Data,
    stream<UdpAppMeta>          &siUOE_Meta,
    //-- UOE / Tx Data Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppData>          &soUOE_Data,
    stream<UdpAppMeta>          &soUOE_Meta,
    stream<UdpAppDLen>          &soUOE_DLen,

    //-- TOE / Rx Data Interfaces
    stream<TcpAppNotif>            &siTOE_Notif,
    stream<TcpAppRdReq>            &soTOE_DReq,
    stream<TcpAppData>             &siTOE_Data,
    stream<TcpAppMeta>             &siTOE_SessId,
    //-- TOE / Listen Interfaces
    stream<TcpAppLsnReq>           &soTOE_LsnReq,
    stream<TcpAppLsnRep>           &siTOE_LsnRep,
    //-- TOE / Tx Data Interfaces
    stream<TcpAppData>          &soTOE_Data,
    stream<TcpAppSndReq>        &soTOE_SndReq,
    stream<TcpAppSndRep>        &siTOE_SndRep,
    //-- TOE / Open Interfaces
    stream<TcpAppOpnReq>          &soTOE_OpnReq,
    stream<TcpAppOpnRep>           &siTOE_OpnRep,
    //-- TOE / Close Interfaces
    stream<TcpAppClsReq>           &soTOE_ClsReq

Status & Event Handling

Most components of the NAL send internal events of type NalEventNotif (see below) in individual streams to a process that merges these streams (eventFifoMerge in nal.cpp) and forwards it to the event processing in the process pStatusMemory.


struct NalEventNotif {
  NalCntIncType type;
  ap_uint<32>   update_value;
  //in case of LAST_* types, the update_value is the new value
  //on other cases, it is an increment value
  NalEventNotif() {}
  NalEventNotif(NalCntIncType nt, ap_uint<32> uv): type(nt), update_value(uv) {}

These events are then mapped to 16 32-bit status lines of the Axi4Lite address space. If one line changes, the updated line is streamed to the Axi4Lite processing engine (axi4liteProcessing in hss.cpp). The mapping of events to address offsets is defined by the NAL_STATUS_* definitions in nal.hpp.

The events are handled with a best-effort methodology, because the NAL won't block any data stream if the events processing lags behind. It could be that if a lot of small packets with high bandwidth were processed, some event updates are dropped.

Status registers

The NAL maintains a set of registers that reports some events and internal states for debugging reasons. The registers are all 32bit wide, but some of them are devided to report multiple events, as shown below:

ctrlLink address bit address description
0x90 31 -- 0 Current version of the MRT (counter since power-on)
0x91 31 -- 0 Currently opened UDP ports (vector encoded, as described above)
0x92 31 -- 0 Currently opened TCP ports (for the Role, vector encoded)
0x93 31 -- 0 Currently opened privileged TCP port (for the FMC, absolute number)
0x94 31 -- 0 FMC unauthorized access count
0x95 31 -- 0 FMC authorized access count
0x96 31 -- 0 Unused
0x97 31 -- 0 Unused
0x98 31 -- 0 Number of bytes received for the FMC in total
0x99 15 -- 0 Last RX NodeId
0x99 31 -- 16 Last RX Port (absolute number)
0x9a 15 -- 0 Number of packets received with an invalid/unkown ip address (i.e. not part of the cluster)
0x9a 31 -- 15 Number of packets tried to send to an invalid port
0x9b 15 -- 0 Last TX NodeId
0x9b 31 -- 16 Last TX Port (absolute number)
0x9c 15 -- 0 Number of packets tried to send to an invalid/unkown ip address (i.e. not part of the cluster)
0x9c 31 -- 16 Number of TCP connection failures/timeouts (TX side)
0x9d 31 -- 0 NodeId of this NAL
0x9e 31 -- 0 Total number of packets received (for TCP: based on tlast of seqments)
0x9f 31 -- 0 Total number of packets send (for TCP: based on tlast of seqments)

The FMC of the Themisto Shell requests this status registers regularly and includes them in the corresponding HTTP responses. Some of the debugging registers are also reported to the user, via the flight recorder data-functionality of the CFRM.

Latencies of the components

Vivado HLS estimates the latencies of the NAL as follows:

Latency (clock cycles): 
    * Summary: 
    |  Latency  |  Interval | Pipeline |
    | min | max | min | max |   Type   |
    |   15|  194|    2|  100| dataflow |

    + Detail: 
        * Instance: 
        |                         |                      |  Latency  |  Interval | Pipeline |
        |         Instance        |        Module        | min | max | min | max |   Type   |
        |pTcpAgency_U0            |pTcpAgency            |    2|    2|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpRRh_U0               |pTcpRRh               |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pStatusMemory_U0         |pStatusMemory         |    5|    5|    1|    1| function |
        |pPortLogic_U0            |pPortLogic            |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpWRp_U0               |pTcpWRp               |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |axi4liteProcessing_U0    |axi4liteProcessing    |    1|   99|    1|   99|   none   |
        |pMrtAgency_U0            |pMrtAgency            |    1|   82|    1|   82|   none   |
        |pUdpTX_U0                |pUdpTX                |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpRDp_U0               |pTcpRDp               |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpWBu_U0               |pTcpWBu               |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pRoleTcpRxDeq_U0         |pRoleTcpRxDeq         |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pFmcTcpRxDeq_U0          |pFmcTcpRxDeq          |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pUdpRx_U0                |pUdpRx                |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpCOn_U0               |pTcpCOn               |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pCacheInvalDetection_U0  |pCacheInvalDetection  |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pUdpLsn_U0               |pUdpLsn               |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpLsn_U0               |pTcpLsn               |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pRoleUdpRxDeq_U0         |pRoleUdpRxDeq         |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |pUoeUdpTxDeq_U0          |pUoeUdpTxDeq          |    1|    1|    1|    1| function |
        |eventFifoMerge_U0        |eventFifoMerge        |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpRxNotifEnq_U0        |pTcpRxNotifEnq        |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |pTcpCls_U0               |pTcpCls               |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |nal_main_entry1155_U0    |nal_main_entry1155    |    0|    0|    0|    0|   none   |
        |pUdpCls_U0               |pUdpCls               |    0|    0|    1|    1| function |
        |nal_main_entry3_U0       |nal_main_entry3       |    0|    0|    0|    0|   none   |