All pull request authors must have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on-file with us. Please sign the appropriate CLA (individual or corporate).
When sending signed CLA please provide your github username in case of individual CLA or the list of github usernames that can make pull requests on behalf of your organization.
If you are confident that you're covered under a Corporate CLA, please make sure you've publicized your membership in the appropriate Github Org, per these instructions.
See the Cutlass CF buildpack test framework for more information.
- Fork the project
- Submit a pull request
Please include integration tests (in src/r/integration
) and corresponding fixtures (in fixtures
) where necessary to cover any functionality that is introduced.
NOTE: When submitting a pull request, please make sure to target the develop
branch, so that your changes are up-to-date and easy to integrate with the most recent work on the buildpack. Thanks!