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Cloudify UI Common Backend


This package contains common TypeScript code for Cloudify UI backend applications.

The following features are provided by the package:

  1. Database connection and access handling - see getDbModule function
  2. Logging framework initialization - see initLogging function
  3. Database migration capabilities - see runMigration function


npm install cloudify-ui-common-backend


Example of how to create logger and send a log:

import { initLogging } from 'cloudify-ui-common-backend';

const loggerFactory = initLogging({ logLevel: "debug" });
const logger = loggerFactory.getLogger('MyCatagory');

logger.log('Something happened!')


  • add new code to src folder
  • remember to export new files in src/index.ts (otherwise the new code will not be available in the distribution package)
  • build: npm run build (TypeScript compilation)
  • test: npm run test (unit testing with Jest testing framework), npm run lint (static analysis, code style check) and npm run check-types (TypeScript types check)
  • document your code (we are using JSdoc block tags)