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129 lines (115 loc) · 6.07 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (115 loc) · 6.07 KB


Plain tree

FOLDER="xyz" # Will be the root folder in the tree
# -A Prints @ instead of NBSP (which html2svg cant handle)
# Note: tree -H would print as HTML. Clickable but not with bold folders
# Some errors in tree, no transparency, size too big
# tree v2.0.2
# If you want to modify the order, pipe tree to vipe (sudo apt-get install moreutils) 
unalias tree
# Images for bright mode:     sed 's|head>|head>\n<style>body {color: #777}</style>|' | \
LINE_COLOR=White # black or #777 in bright mode
tree -C -A --noreport --dirsfirst "$FOLDER" | \
    aha | \
    sed "s|head>|head>\n<style>body {color: $LINE_COLOR}</style>|" | \
    sed 's|color:blue|color:#23A3DD|' \
    > "$FOLDER.html"
docker run --rm -v$(pwd):/in fathyb/html2svg:1.0.0 "file:///in/$FOLDER.html" |\
  sed '/<rect fill="white".*/d' |\
  sed 's/@/\xC2\xA0/g' \
  > "$FOLDER.svg"
rm "$FOLDER.html"
# Replaces @ by ' '  or &nbsp; -> Avoids errors in tree created by htm2svg
# Removes huge <rect fill="white" width="1919" height="1079"/>


Alternative: Erdtree - provides more color and icons. Tested with version 2.0

TODO adopt to ver 3.0

LINE_COLOR=White # black or #777 in bright mode
# Replace all spaces with @ because html2svg seems not to be able these
# Include Twemoji to render emojis as SVGs
# Include Font-Awesome, so the FA glyphs are rendered as SVGs
# Add Git icon for root of the tree
erd --force-color --suppress-size --icons --dirs-first --inverted --sort=name --hidden "$FOLDER" | \
    head -n -1 | \
    aha | \
    sed '/\.gitkeep/d' | \
    sed 's|color:blue|color:#23A3DD|g' | \
    sed "s|color:purple|color:$LINE_COLOR|g" |
    sed -e '/<pre>/,/<\/pre>/ s/ /@/g' |\
    sed 's||⚙|g' |\
    sed 's||📁|g' |\
    sed 's||<i class="fas fa-unlock"></i>|g' |\
    sed 's||<i class="fas fa-file"></i>|g' |\
    sed 's|謹|<i class="fas fa-code"></i>|g' |\
    sed 's||🐋|g' |\
    sed 's||{}|g' |\
    sed 's|span@style|span style|g' | \
    sed -e "s/<head>/<head><style type=\"text\/css\">body { color: $LINE_COLOR }<\/style>\n/g" | \
    sed 's/<\/body>/<script src="https:\/\/\/twemoji@latest\/dist\/twemoji.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"><\/script>\n<script>twemoji.parse(document.body, { folder: \x27svg\x27, ext: \x27.svg\x27 } )<\/script>\n<\/body>/g' | \
    sed 's/<head>/<head><style type="text\/css">img.emoji { height: 1em; width: 1em; margin: 0 .05em 0 .1em; vertical-align: -0.1em;}<\/style>\n/g' | \
    sed 's/<\/body>/<script src="https:\/\/\/ajax\/libs\/font-awesome\/5.15.4\/js\/all.min.js"><\/script>\n<\/body>/g' | \
    sed 's/<head>/<head><link rel="stylesheet" href="https:\/\/\/ajax\/libs\/font-awesome\/5.15.4\/css\/all.min.css"\/>\n/g' | \
    sed '/<pre>/,/<\/pre>/ s/@<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#23A3DD;">📁/@<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#23A3DD;"><i class="fab fa-git-alt fa-lg"><\/i>/g' \
    > "$FOLDER.html"
docker run --rm -v$(pwd):/in fathyb/html2svg:1.0.0 "file:///in/$FOLDER.html" |\
  sed '/<rect fill="white".*/d' |\
  sed 's/@/\xC2\xA0/g' \
  > "$FOLDER.svg"
rm "$FOLDER.html"


  • Set to appearance | dark (otherwise the white objects will be imported in red!? 🤷‍♂️)
  • import into (tested with 20.8.16)
    Remove svg width, adapt height empirically to be minimal before importing to (remove content and `deps)
  • Move to x=0, y=0
  • Save as editable SVG
  • Add class="fragment" data-fragment-index=n to make image appear gradually on the slide
    • Start index at 2, so we can hide the diagram on slide enter
    • this might be easiest in inkscape.
    • Click on an object (or multiple, then group them)
    • Shift+Ctrl+X - opens XML-Editor
    • Add properties
    • Note: Saving is OK, but the next save in will remove properties from SVG
    • To format it a bit more compact svgo --pretty 1d.svg | xsel --clipboard
    • Is there an option to add classes to in a way that they are also rendered to the SVG?
  • Afterwards: Copy SVG to slide (so fragments are picked up by reveal.js)
    remove height, set width to 100% (or more/less depending on the slide)


Disadvantage: Text is foreignObject whose HTML attributes (e.g. text size) differ (inline SVG vs external SVG). Inline SVG is changed by reveal's CSS. Then, shapes and text no longer match

FOLDER=xyz # Will be the root folder in the tree
tree -C --noreport $FOLDER| \
    aha | \
    sed 's|head>|head>\n<style>body {color: white}</style>|' | \
    sed 's|color:blue|color:#23A3DD|' \
    > $FOLDER.html
  • Set to appearance | dark (otherwise the white objects will be imported in red!? 🤷‍♂️)
  • import into (copy and paste HTML from browser is different (better?) than dragging file into
  • Move to x=0, y=0; Remove trailing linebreaks in tree text.
  • Shrink size of tree text to be smaller than tree itself (otherwise alignment will look wrong)
  • export as SVG, Transparent Background (saving as editable SVG will cause the white color to go black 🤷‍♂️)
  • Afterwards: Copy SVG to slide (so fragments are picked up by reveal.js)
  • Remove width and heigh in <svg>, depending on the size `class="floatRight" looks better
  • Add class="fragment" fragment-index=n without doing too much formatting (the tree structure easily breaks)
  • Is there an option to add classes to in a way that they are also rendered to the SVG?

Transform to light colors

Tree structures: Recreate with LINE_COLOR=White # black or #777 in bright mode (see above)

On Slides: (<text fill="#000")(?=.|\n*?) - replace only the ones on white background with <text fill="#fff"

for FILE in deployment-hub-and-spoke deployment-namespaced deployment-standalone; do
  drawio -x -f xml -o $FILE.drawio $FILE.svg
  sed -i 's/background="#[0-9a-fA-F]*"/background=""/' $FILE.drawio
  sed -i 's/strokeColor=#FFFFFF;/strokeColor=#777;/' $FILE.drawio
  drawio -x -f svg --embed-diagram -o $FILE.svg $FILE.drawio
  rm $FILE.drawio