This repository contains an Apache Brooklyn blueprint to deploy a Hyperledger Cello cluster.
Use this guide to install AMP.
In order to deploy a Cello cluster with AMP, you must first configure a location to which AMP will deploy it.
Use this guide to learn more about AMP locations and how to create your own.
From the AMP UI home screen, perform the following steps:
- Click the square button on the top right corner
- Click "Blueprint importer"
- Copy and paste the catalog file into the editor
- Click "Import" on the bottom right corner
From the AMP UI home screen, perform the following steps:
- Browse to the AMP user interface (address listed in the installation guide)
- Scroll through the "Quick launch" tile and click "Hyperledger Cello Cluster"
- Optionally provide a name
- Provide the location that you created
- Customize the parameter values if desired
- Click the "Deploy" button
From the AMP UI home screen, perform the following steps:
- Click "App inspector"
- Click on the Hyperledger Cello cluster that you deployed
- Click the link next to
which ends in:8080
Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a Hyperledger Cello cluster and have navigated to its home screen which is ready to be used.