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202 lines (136 loc) · 6.44 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (136 loc) · 6.44 KB


1.4.0 (2022-02-14)

  • Feature: Windows support, improve package path detection, and retry rename to fix slow network drives. (#129 and #130 by @clue)

  • Feature / Fix: Escape binary path when executing system binaries (git, php, composer). (#128 by @clue)

  • Drop legacy HHVM support due to lack of support. (#127 by @clue)

1.3.0 (2021-12-29)

  • Feature: Support Symfony 6 and PHP 8.1 release. (#122 and #123 by @clue)

  • Feature: Bundle StubGenerator and Extract from legacy herrera-io/box v1.6.1. (#119 by @clue)

  • Feature / Fix: Fix check for valid package URL. (#117 by @icedream)

  • Update project setup, use PSR-4 autoloading, drop composer.lock and instead lock PHP version when building phar. (#120 and #124 by @clue and #118 by @PaulRotmann)

  • Improve test suite and add .gitattributes to exclude dev files from exports. Update test suite to support PHPUnit 9 and test against PHP 8.1 release. (#121 and #125 by @clue)

1.2.0 (2020-12-11)

  • Feature: Support Composer 2.0! (#114 by @thojou and @clue)

  • Minor documentation improvements and simplify install instructions. (#98 and #99 by @clue)

  • Use GitHub actions for continuous integration (CI). (#112 by @SimonFrings and #113 by @szepeviktor)

1.1.0 (2019-11-22)

  • Feature: Update all dependencies and improve forward compatibility with symfony/console v5 through legacy v2.5. (#87 by @clue)

  • Feature: Significantly improve performance when adding phar contents. (#90 by @clue)

  • Feature: Support cloning projects from git SSH URLs. (#96 by @clue)

  • Feature: Ignore packages without autoload definition and missing vendor directory. (#94 by @clue)

  • Feature: Write phar to temporary file to support any extension and overwriting. (#93 by @clue)

  • Feature / Fix: Disable install subcommand on Windows. (#95 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite by adding PHPUnit to require-dev and support legacy PHP 5.3 through PHP 7.2 and HHVM, add tests for all commands and perform some minor code cleanup/maintenance, minor internal refactoring to clean up some unneeded code duplication and unneeded references and remove dedicated bundler classes, always bundle complete package. (#85, #86, #89 and #92 by @clue)

  • Add build script removing uneeded files and update development docs. (#91 by @clue)

1.0.0 (2015-11-15)

  • First stable release, now following SemVer.

  • Feature: Can now be installed as a require-dev Composer dependency and supports running as ./vendor/bin/phar-composer. (#36 by @radford)

  • Fix: Actually exclude vendor/ directory. This prevents processing all vendor files twice and reduces build time by 50%. (#38 by @radford)

  • Fix: Fix error reporting when processing invalid project paths. (#56 by @staabm and @clue)

  • Fix: Fix description of phar-composer install command. (#47 by @staabm)

  • Updated documentation, tests and project structure. (#54, #57, #58 and #59 by @clue)

0.5.0 (2014-07-10)

  • Feature: The search command is the new default if you do not pass any command (#13). You can now use the following command to get started:

    $ phar-composer
  • Fix: Pass through STDERR output of child processes instead of aborting (#33)

  • Fix: Do not timeout when child process takes longer than 60s. This also helps users with slower internet connections. (#31)

  • Fix: Update broken dependencies (#18)

  • Fix: Fixed an undocumented config key (#14, thanks @mikey179)

0.4.0 (2013-09-12)

  • Feature: New install command will now both build the given package and then install it into the system-wide bin directory /usr/local/bin (usually already in your $PATH). This works for any package name or URL just like with the build command, e.g.:

    $ phar-composer install phpunit/phpunit

    After some (lengthy) build output, you should now be able to run it by just issuing:

    $ phpunit
  • Feature: New search command provides an interactive command line search. It will ask for the package name and issue an search via's API and present a list of matching packages. So if you don't know the exact package name, you can now use the following command:

    $ phar-composer search boris
  • Feature: Both build and install commands now also optionally accept an additional target directory to place the resulting phar into.

0.3.0 (2013-08-21)

  • Feature: Resulting phar files can now be executed on systems without ext-phar (#8). This vastly improves portability for legacy setups by including a small startup script which self-extracts the current archive into a temporary directory.

  • Feature: Resulting phar files can now be executed without the phar file name extension. E.g. this convenient feature now allows you to move your ~demo.phar to /usr/bin/demo for easy system wide installations.

  • Fix: Resolving absolute paths to vendor/autoload.php

0.2.0 (2013-08-15)

  • Feature: Packages can now also be cloned from any git URLs (#9), like this:

    $ phar-composer build

    The above will clone the repository and check out the default branch. You can also specify either a tag or branch name very similar to how composer works:

    $ phar-composer build

0.1.0 (2013-08-12)

  • Feature: Packages listed on can now automatically be downloaded and installed prior to generating phar (#7), like this:

    $ phar-composer build clue/phar-composer

    The above will download and install the latest stable tagged release (if any). You can also specify a tagged version like this:

    $ phar-composer build clue/phar-composer:0.1.*

    Or you can specify to install the head of a given branch like this:

    $ phar-composer build clue/phar-composer:dev-master

0.0.2 (2013-05-25)

  • Feature: Bundle complete project directories

0.0.1 (2013-05-18)

  • First tagged release