That's awesome that you want to help! I thank you. The guidelines are pretty loose right now.
The main thing is, work in the "dev" branch instead of the "master" branch. The changes made to the Dev branch are eventually merged into Master for release.
If you implement a new feature that changes any behavior, unless it's really cool and makes a lot of sense, try to make it optional. For example, through a command-line option or runtime toggle.
If you want to help "clean up" the code to make it more legible or modular, that's great. But, I request that you let me see some of the style changes you are proposing before you dump a giant patch of changes. I don't want major changes in a style I don't enjoy.
Use Git and Github for development, discussion, pull requests, issues, proposals, etc. You can also contact the developer directly via email (see CREDITS), or you can find us on Discord or IRC (see for details).
If you want to contribute ANSI or ASCII Art, that's great! Please post it in the Discussions on Github and give consent if you are OK with it being used (in the program, website, Readme file, youtube videos, etc).
Reviews, feedback, tutorials, demonstrations, etc. are also welcome. Post any art you created with Durdraw in the Discussions, because we would love to see them!