Feature 1: CNI-Genie "Multiple CNI Plugins"
- Interface Connector to 3rd party CNI-Plugins. The user can manually select one of the multiple CNI plugins
Feature 2: CNI-Genie "Multiple IP Addresses"
- Injects multiple IPs to a single container. The container is reachable using any of the multiple IP Addresses
Feature 3: CNI-Genie "Network Attachment Definition"
- Network Attachment Definition feature incorporates Kubernetes Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard in CNI-Genie
Feature 4: CNI-Genie "Smart CNI Plugin Selection"
- Intelligence in selecting the CNI plugin. CNI-Genie watches the KPI of interest and selects the CNI plugin, accordingly
Feature 5: CNI-Genie "Default Plugin Selection"
- Support to set default plugin of user choice to be used for all the pods being created
Feature 6: CNI-Genie "Network Isolation"
- Dedicated 'physical' network for a tenant
- Isolated 'logical' networks for different tenants on a shared 'physical'network
Feature 7: CNI-Genie "Network Policy Engine"
- CNI-Genie network policy engine allows for network level ACLs
Feature 8: CNI-Genie "Real-time Network Switching"
- Price minimization: dynamically switching workload to a cheaper network as network prices change
- Maximizing network utilization: dynamically switching workload to the less congested network at a threshold