Ruby Wrapper for preparinng data to submit to veritrans server and get token for further process
$ gem install veritrans
Getting the encryption tokens:
require 'veritrans'
client =
client.merchant_id = '...'
client.merchant_hash_key = '...'
client.config['server_host'] = '...'
client.finish_payment_return_url = '...' # url to return to after payment
client.finish_payment_access_url = '...' # server to server callback url
client.order_id = SecureRandom.hex
client.session_id = SecureRandom.hex
client.gross_amount = "10"
client.commodity = [ # optional
{"COMMODITY_ID" => "IDxx1",
"COMMODITY_NAME1" => "Waterbotle",
"COMMODITY_NAME2" => "Waterbottle in Indonesian"
# all optional
client.shipping_flag = "1"
client.shipping_first_name = "Sam"
client.shipping_last_name = "Anthony"
client.shipping_address1 = "Buaran I"
client.shipping_address2 = "Pulogadung"
client.shipping_city = "Jakarta"
client.shipping_country_code = "IDN"
client.shipping_postal_code = "16954"
client.shipping_phone = "0123456789123"
client..shipping_method = "N"
client.get_keys # => {"MERCHANT_ENCRYPTION_KEY" => '...', "BROWSER_ENCRYPTION_KEY" => '...'}
Generating a redirect URL for the user's browser:
client.redirect_url('<browser encryption key>')