Membership consists of a whitelist of users who have signed relevant agreements and successfully completed the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This allows them to invest in specific tranches. Membership is generally valid for one year, after which it expires.
However, investors can only redeem their tranche tokens if their membership is active, creating a potential barrier for those who no longer wish to invest.
// Check if user is allowed to hold the restricted tranche tokens
_isAllowedToInvest(lPool.poolId(), lPool.trancheId(), lPool.asset(), user);
Only check membership if a user want to deposit, not when he wants to redeem.
View function in Investment Manager and Liquidity pool such as totalAssets, convertToShares, convertToAssets, maxDeposit, maxMint, maxWithdraw, previewDeposit, ... are not accurate because they used the price from latest update that can be staled.
This is because the process in Centrifuge Chain is asynchronous. The price is updated when there is a message from Centrifuge Chain to the current chain and function _updateLiquidityPoolPrice
is called.
The trance token decimal is set by admin from Centrifuge Chain.
tranche.decimals = decimals;
There is no check that is has to be less than or equal to 18 decimals. If the decimal is more than 18, the converting will revert.
Approve function of USDT requires setting allowance to 0 first.
// To change the approve amount you first have to reduce the addresses`
// allowance to zero by calling `approve(_spender, 0)` if it is not
// already 0 to mitigate the race condition described here:
require(!((_value != 0) && (allowed[msg.sender][_spender] != 0)));
Function handleTransfer in PoolManager.sol should set the allowance to 0 first before setting to the new value, it may affect the operation of the pool if the currency is USDT.
function handleTransfer(uint128 currency, address recipient, uint128 amount) public onlyGateway {
address currencyAddress = currencyIdToAddress[currency];
require(currencyAddress != address(0), "PoolManager/unknown-currency");
EscrowLike(escrow).approve(currencyAddress, address(this), amount);
SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom(currencyAddress, address(escrow), recipient, amount);
Add approve 0 first before setting to the new value.
EscrowLike(escrow).approve(currencyAddress, address(this), 0);
The bridge that send messages from and to Centrifuge Chain to other chain is Axelar. The gas fee is paid by Centrifuge. It can be subjected to DOS from users.
function send(bytes calldata message) public onlyGateway {
axelarGateway.callContract(axelarCentrifugeChainId, centrifugeGatewayPrecompileAddress, message);
In the standard implementation, the msg.sender will attach the gas fee for bridging transactions.
Please see here for details:
The name of the variable currencyAmountInPriceDecimals
should be trancheTokenAmountInPriceDecimals
because it is the amount of tranche tokens that the user will receive.
uint256 currencyAmountInPriceDecimals = _toPriceDecimals(currencyAmount, currencyDecimals, liquidityPool).mulDiv(
10 ** PRICE_DECIMALS, price, MathLib.Rounding.Down
Instance: : only msg.sender can call, no ward only authorized admin, no destination address