- built using python, javascript and HTML,CSS and currently supports the genome analysis
- inbuilt seagrass genomics genes for health monitoring.
- inbuilt ethylene responsive genes.
- inbuilt light associated genes.
- inbuilt carbonic anhydrase genes
- inbuilt photosystem genes
To Do
- each genes has its own page ad adding the javascript functions and details of those genes and graphics. DONE
- inbuilt blast support and sequence retriveal system. DONE
- adding the enzyme kinetics and metabolic labelling. CODE writing
- inbuilt support for the genome exploration and chunk genome analysis including phylogenomics. CODE writing
- adding support for the geospatial maps rendering from marine genome portal.
git clone https:github.com/seagrass-functional
pipx install virtualenv
virtualenv streamlit
source streamlit/bin/activate
streamlit run seagrasshealth.py
Gaurav Sablok