- Nothing changed yet.
- Escaped contact title special characters in term-contact viewlet to avoid script insertion (xss). This viewlet stores an hidden field used in a dynamically js generation. [sgeulette]
- Require future in setup.py. [gbastien]
- Added prefiltering on widgets [daggelpop, sgeulette]
- Add Transifex.net service integration to manage the translation process. [macagua]
- Add Spanish translation [macagua]
- Limit catalog results (with sort_limit) because solr sends None for higher limit results. [sgeulette]
- Use contact_source metadata in widget result [sgeulette]
- Set Content-type 'text/plain' headers to autocomplete request. This prevent "<!DOCTYPE html" tag. [bsuttor]
- Fix optimization issue when vocabulary is restricted by a relation. [thomasdesvenain]
- Prevent fatal error on autocomplete if by chance a held position related to a position or an organisation has been removed but the relation always exist. An error is logged. [thomasdesvenain]
- ContactChoice can now be used as master field when plone.formwidget.masterselect >= 1.6 is installed. [vincentfretin]
- Set matchSubset: false to fix autocomplete behavior with accents and not doing a new ajax request. [vincentfretin]
- Ensure that the required property for ContactList field works correctly [mpeeters]
- Fix an exception with plone.formwidget.contenttree >= 1.0.11 that introduced support for providing defaults to contenttrees. [pcdummy]
- Add a querySelectSearchInput class to the input field. [vincentfretin]
- Add display template for single selection field [sgeulette]
- Fix buildout [sgeulette]
- Remove prefill_person when clicking on Create Contact link (this behavior is too difficult to understand for end users). [cedricmessiant]
- Use a more generic selector for title so that it also works with behaviors. [cedricmessiant]
- Use prelabel variable in template (so that you can override it in custom settings, see collective.contact.core). [cedricmessiant]
- Increase results to 50 items. [vincentfretin]
- jQuery 1.9 compatibility. [vincentfretin]
- Fix ContactSource search if no review_state parameter [ebrehault]
- Add review_state parameter on ContactList and ContactChoice widgets. [cedricmessiant]
- UI : improve prefill of add new contact overlay form. [thomasdesvenain]
- We can give as source param a 'relations' value to filter on contents related to an other content. [thomasdesvenain]
- Don't include closeOnClick: true in javascript, so it defaults to global configuration. [vincentfretin]
- UI improvements : - Add contact link is displayed after user has filled a search. - We have and explicit help message next to contact link. - Contact creation form title is pre-filled with user search. - The search input has a placeholder. [thomasdesvenain]
- Execute prepOverlay only if it hasn't been done yet, this avoid to have a pbo undefined error when you have recursive overlays. [vincentfretin]
- The jqueryui autocomplete plugin conflicts with the jquery autocomplete plugin used by plone.formwidget.autocomplete, disable the jqueryui one. [cedricmessiant]
- Do not break dexterity content type when we don't have a REQUEST (in async context). [thomasdesvenain]
- We can add contact and contact list fields TTW on dexterity content types. [thomasdesvenain]
- Check do_post_sort attribute on source to be able to disable the sorting.
- Declare dependencies on z3c.relationfield and plone.formwidget.contenttree.
- Remove ploneform-render-widget view for content provider, this is now in plone.app.z3cform since 0.7.3.
- Added hidden and rtf mode templates. [vincentfretin]
- Don't open tooltip in tooltip. [vincentfretin]
- Decode title, returning unicode, to standardize term attributes [sgeulette]
- Fixed UnicodeDecodeError in @@autocomplete-search [vincentfretin]
- Internationalized two messages. [vincentfretin]
- Don't show tooltip if the mouse left the link. [vincentfretin]
- Don't call tokenToUrl if value is --NOVALUE--. [vincentfretin]
- Nothing changed yet.
- Initial release. [vincentfretin]