Before reporting a vulnerability, please review In-Scope Targets and Out-of-Scope Targets below.
The following packages and repositories are eligible for bug bounties:
- llama-index-core
- llama-index-integrations (see exceptions)
- llama-index-networks
All out of scope targets defined by huntr as well as:
- llama-index-experimental: This repository is for experimental code and is not eligible for bug bounties, bug reports to it will be marked as interesting or waste of time and published with no bounty attached.
- llama-index-integrations/tools: Community contributed tools are not eligible for bug bounties. Generally tools interact with the real world. Developers are expected to understand the security implications of their code and are responsible for the security of their tools.
- Code documented with security notices. This will be decided done on a case by case basis, but likely will not be eligible for a bounty as the code is already documented with guidelines for developers that should be followed for making their application secure.
Please report security vulnerabilities associated with LlamaCloud by email to
- LlamaCloud site:
- LlamaCloud API:
- LlamaParse client:
For any other security concerns, please contact us at