Frontend for the Energy Performance of Buildings Register:
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Ruby
- Bundler to install dependencies found in
- Bundler to install dependencies found in
- Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Git (optional)
This short guide will use Git
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- Change into the cloned repository:
$ cd epb-frontend
- Install the Node modules/packages:
$ npm install
- Install the Ruby gems:
$ bundle install
- Build the frontend assets:
$ make frontend-build
To run the Capybara user-journey tests, the following must be downloaded and installed.
- Chrome
- ChromeDriver
- download the same ChromeDriver version as your version of Chrome.
Depending on how ChromeDriver was installed, it may need to be added to the
environment variable. Instructions below are for MacOS users.
- Create local
directory:$ mkdir ~/bin
- Move the downloaded ChromeDriver to the
directory:$ mv ~/Downloads/chromedriver ~/bin
- Make the ChromeDriver executable:
cd ~/bin && chmod +x chromedriver
- Add the
directory to thePATH
environment variable in your shell profile:
# ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zprofile, etc
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin" # Add this line at the end of the file
Run $ source ~/.bash_profile
, or .zprofile
. Alternatively, restart the
- You must add additional local hosts to your hosts file on your machine with: getting-new-energy-certificate.epb-frontend find-energy-certificate.epb-frontend
You can add these to your hosts file automatically by running $ sudo make hosts
You can check what hosts you already have by typing $ cat /etc/hosts
in the
frontend directory.
Don't forget to ensure bundle and npm dependencies are up to date
To run the respective test suites:
- All tests:
$ make test
- User-journey tests:
$ make journey
The frontend needs to authenticate and connect to the API. The following environment variables should be set to specify the auth server and API server to use:
- To run the test stubs server (i.e. the frontend in isolation from the local API),
change directory into the root of the cloned folder:
$ cd epb-frontend
- Start the web server(s) using the following command:
$ make run
or$ make run
- Open http://getting-new-energy-certificate.epb-frontend:9292 or http://find-energy-certificate.epb-frontend:9292 in your favourite browser to run the test stubs server.
- To run the local frontend alongside your local API in Docker, make sure that the Docker images from the epb-dev-tools repo are running
- Then access the frontend at http://getting-new-energy-certificate.epb-frontend or http://find-energy-certificate.epb-frontend (without the specified ports).
To rebuild the Docker image locally, run
docker build . --tag epb-frontend
You can run the created image in Docker Desktop by going to Images and pressing Run in the Actions column. This will create a persistent deployment and has an interface to provide multiple useful options.
To run the docker image with CLI
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name test-epb-frontend epb-frontend
If you want docker to communicate with a containerized instance of PostgreSQL, or another container in general, you will need to use a bridge network and connect any containers that need to communicate with each other to it
You can set up a bridge network using
docker network create {network_name}
And then connect the containers to the network when going to run them e.g.
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --network {network_name} --name test-epb-frontend epb-frontend
When running the container, you may find that http://localhost
other frontend pages such as http://localhost/find-an-assessor/type-of-property
all redirect and show the Page not found page
Add the following line to your hosts file (/etc/hosts for macOS and most linux distros): getting-new-energy-certificate.epb-frontend find-energy-certificate.epb-frontend epb-frontend epb-register-api epb-auth-server epb-feature-flag
You then should be able to access the locally deployed website via http://find-energy-certificate.epb-frontend/
and http://getting-new-energy-certificate.epb-frontend/