Desktop application built with electron, Vue3 + Vite, FastAPI.
I opted for a double package.json file in case we want to have a web application as well running separately. This way we can run backend and frontend separately on the server in the convenient way.
To run electron you will need to install Node.js and npm (node package manager) as electron is JavaScript. To learn more about electron: To install Node.js you can follow this guide. The recommended way to install Node.js and npm is to use Node version manager (nvm)
Clone the project
git clone
For backend:
Create virtual environment electron-vue-python-boilerplate
with the tools you usually use, and activate. Ex.:
python3 -m venv electron-vue-python-boilerplate
source electron-vue-python-boilerplate/bin/activate
Go to backend and intstall all project requirements
cd src/backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch backend in a terminal
Now API runs on localhost on port 5500 http://localhost:5500
For frontend:
In a different terminal run
cd src/frontend
Install all the needed modules from package.js
npm install
npm run dev
Now the frontend will run in the browser http://localhost:5173/
For backend:
create virtual environment electron-vue-python-boilerplate
python3 -m venv electron-vue-python-boilerplate
source electron-vue-python-boilerplate/bin/activate
cd src/backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
For frontend
cd src/frontend
npm install
In protject root
npm run start
- mac
npm run build:mac
(Need to still test that everything works fine for 2 following builds)
- windows
npm run build:win
- linux
npm run build:linux
I thank the following projects for inspiration: