Initial release
- NIO mechanism
- Server configuration
- Events handling
- Player and Room management
- Session management
- TCP, UDP and WebSocket support
- Server monitoring
- Schedule management
- Fulfilled java-docs for all classes
- Optimization
- Refactoring the project's structure
- Bugs fixed
- Supported multiple UDP channels
- Allowed fetching available UDP channel by using round-robin mechanism
- Refactoring: renamed package "extension" to "handler"
- Allowed declaring the server address in configuration file
- Supported KCP transportation
- Bugs fixed
- Multiple data serialization methods supported (MsgPack)
- Added new events to handle connection refused cases
- WebSocket handling issues fixed
- Allowed showing server's uptime
- Refactoring the project's structure
- Bugs fixed
- Adapted annotations' management from the tenio-common module
- Introduces more annotations
- Supports self-defined commands
- Refactoring the project's structure
- Bugs fixed
- Upgraded to JDK 17
- Upgraded dependencies
- Allowed checking logging configuration before writing logs
- configuration.xml file changed
- Introduced new annotations: @RestController and @RestMapping to work with Restful, @ClientCommand
- Added a new configuration value that allows limiting the player's IDLE time in case of non-deported state enabled
- Methods changed/updated/enhanced in classes ServerApi, Injector, ServerEvent
- Annotations enhanced: @Bean, @AutowiredQualifier
- Set names for all necessary threads
- Resolved the deadlock issue while writing packets
- Player and Room are now opened for custom classes
- Removed redundant constant, enum values
- Fixed test cases' issues
- Bugs fixed
- Fixed bugs that stops the main thread
- It allows removing optional schedule tasks (CcuReportTask, DeadlockScanTask, SystemMonitoringTask, TrafficCounterTask)
- Upgraded dependencies
- Fixed issues related to the "100% CPU"
- Reworked on Restful