Using contentful-metalsmith
you can render singe or multiple files with your data on Contentful.
Render a collection page including multiple entries.
You can define a content_type
in your source file. This content type id is base for the depending data fetching.
The collection data will be available in the template under the data.entries
title: Post overview
content_type: post # id of the given content type
layout: posts.html
Your post overview content here
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="No description">
<meta name="author" content="Contentful">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="scss/style.css?v=1.0">
<!-- available data fetched from contentful -->
{{#each data.entries }}
Render a collection page including multiple entries and render every entry using a separate template.
title: Post overview
content_type: post # id of the given content type - can refer to a hash
entry_template: post.html # template found in `layouts` folder
layout: posts.html
Your post overview content here
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="No description">
<meta name="author" content="Contentful">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="scss/style.css?v=1.0">
<!-- available data fetched from contentful -->
{{#each data.entries }}
<!-- convenience property _fileName for easy linking -->
<p><a href="{{_fileName}}">Read more</a></p>
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="No description">
<meta name="author" content="Contentful">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="scss/style.css?v=1.0">
For convenience and making it easier to link to the child files, the _fileName
property was added to every fetched entry.
Define custom file names for rendered child entries
title: test__posts__customFileName
content_type: 2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as
entry_filename_pattern: post-${ fields.title }
entry_template: post.html
layout: posts.html
Using entry_filename_pattern
you can define what the file names of the entries should be. You can use ${}
notation to access any property of the given entry.
Whatever you choose will be "slugged" using slug.
So you don't have to worry about whitespaces or anything.
entry_filename_pattern: post-${ fields.title }
entry_filename_pattern: ${ fields.title }-${ }
Default value: ${}-${}
Use a custom function to generate the filename
title: test__posts__filenameBuilder
content_type: 2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as
entry_filename_builder: aldente
entry_template: post.html
layout: posts.html
In your global configuration, define an object filenameBuilders
with a property named to match entity_filename_builder
with a function as its value. This function will be called with the arguments entry
(the entry being processed) and fileOptions
. Return the desired filename.
Note that a function cannot be specified in the site configuration if it is stored as JSON; rather you will need to invoke Metalsmith programmatically to use this feature.
Render a file based on a single entry
title: Single entry to display
entry_id: A96usFSlY4G0W4kwAqswk
layout: single-post.html
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="No description">
<meta name="author" content="Contentful">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="scss/style.css?v=1.0">
Filter the entries before rendering to one or multiple files
title: Post overview of entries including "rabbit"
content_type: post
query: 'rabbit'
layout: posts.html
Post that include rabbits are...
If you want to learn more about the filter syntax, check out the Content Delivery API documentation.
Retrieval of linked items (maximum of 10 levels)
title: Posts with up to 10 levels of linked items retrieved
content_type: post
include: 10
layout: posts.html
posts with retrieved links are...
If you want to learn more about retrieval of linked items, check out the Content Delivery API documentation.
Limit the entries before rendering to one or multiple files
title: Post overview limited to ten entries
content_type: post
limit: 10
layout: posts.html
10 posts are...
If you want to learn more about limits, check out the Content Delivery API documentation.
Specify the locale used for entries
title: Posts in Traditional Chinese Hong Kong
content_type: post
locale: zh-Hant-HK
layout: posts.html
posts in Traditional Chinese Hong Kong are...
If you want to learn more about locales, check out the Content Delivery API documentation.
Order the entries before rendering to one or multiple files
title: Post overview sorted by creation date
content_type: 2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as
order: -sys.createdAt
layout: posts.html
The oldest posts are...
If you want to learn more about order settings, check out the Content Delivery API documentation.
Render child entries with template extension of the source file.
title: test__posts__extension
content_type: 2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as
use_template_extension: true
entry_template: post.awesome
foo: bar
layout: posts.html
This will render several child entry with the set entry_filename_pattern
and the extension awesome
Render directories including an index file with the depending entry_filename_pattern
e.g. my/file/path.html
becomes my/file/path/index.html
title: test__posts__permalinks
content_type: 2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as
entry_template: post.html
create_permalinks: true
layout: posts.html
Overwrite the space id and/or access token for a single file.
title: test__posts__from_somewhere_else
space_id: 1qptv5yuwnfh
access_token: d599954af0e2ae1e3714f69ca9f0812cafc44578c9b5c5e8f87119757ce2b1e3
content_type: 2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as
layout: posts.html
Contentful-metalsmith adds some handy meta information to the data available in data to make the generation of sites even easier.