dnsCheck: update the publicDNSQueryURI to https://quay.io #3175
GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report
Dec 11, 2024 in 0s
22 tests run, 21 passed, 0 skipped, 1 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in Overall cluster health
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Overall cluster health
Step starting CRC with default bundle succeeds: command '$env:CRC_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=true; crc start -p 'C:\Users\rhqp\crc-qe\pull-secret' ', expected to succeed, exited with exit code: 1
Command stdout:
Raw output
Step starting CRC with default bundle succeeds: command '$env:CRC_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=true; crc start -p 'C:\Users\rhqp\crc-qe\pull-secret' ', expected to succeed, exited with exit code: 1
Command stdout:
Command stderr: true : The term 'true' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:31
+ $env:CRC_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=true; crc start -p 'C:\Users\rhqp\crc-q ...
+ ~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (true:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
level=debug msg="CRC version: 2.45.0+ef5a19\n"
level=debug msg="OpenShift version: 4.17.7\n"
level=debug msg="MicroShift version: 4.17.7\n"
level=debug msg="Running 'crc start'"
level=debug msg="Total memory of system is 34359267328 bytes"
level=debug msg="No new version available. The latest version is 2.44.0"
level=debug msg="Checking file: C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\machines\\crc\\.crc-exist"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> get machine"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: get"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: stopped"
level=info msg="Using bundle path C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64.crcbundle"
level=info msg="Checking minimum RAM requirements"
level=debug msg="Total memory of system is 34359267328 bytes"
level=info msg="Check if Podman binary exists in: C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\bin\\oc"
level=info msg="Checking if running in a shell with administrator rights"
level=debug msg="Running '$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent());$currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)'"
level=info msg="Checking Windows release"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId'"
level=info msg="Checking Windows edition"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").EditionID'"
level=debug msg="Running on Windows Enterprise edition"
level=info msg="Checking if Hyper-V is installed and operational"
level=debug msg="Running '@(Get-Wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent'"
level=debug msg="Running '@(Get-Service vmms).Status'"
level=info msg="Checking if Hyper-V service is enabled"
level=debug msg="Running '@(Get-Service vmms).Status'"
level=info msg="Checking if crc-users group exists"
level=debug msg="Running 'Get-LocalGroup -Name crc-users'"
level=info msg="Checking if current user is in crc-users and Hyper-V admins group"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'crc-users').Name'"
level=debug msg="Checking current user is in the 'crc-user' group"
level=debug msg="group members: maptc83e0c02\\rhqp"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-LocalGroupMember -SID 'S-1-5-32-578').Name'"
level=debug msg="Checking current user is in the 'Hyper-v Administrators' group"
level=debug msg="group members: maptc83e0c02\\rhqp"
level=info msg="Checking if vsock is correctly configured"
level=debug msg="Running 'Get-Item -Path \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\GuestCommunicationServices\\00000400-FACB-11E6-BD58-64006A7986D3\"'"
level=info msg="Checking if the win32 background launcher is installed"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-Item 'C:\\Program Files\\Red Hat OpenShift Local\\crc-background-launcher.exe').VersionInfo.FileVersion'"
level=debug msg="Found crc-background-launcher.exe version"
level=info msg="Checking if the daemon task is installed"
level=debug msg="Running 'Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName crcDaemon'"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName \"crcDaemon\").Version'"
level=info msg="Checking if the daemon task is running"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName \"crcDaemon\").State'"
level=info msg="Checking admin helper service is running"
level=debug msg="Running '(Get-Service crcAdminHelper).Status'"
level=info msg="Checking SSH port availability"
level=debug msg="Checking file: C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\machines\\crc\\.crc-exist"
level=debug msg="Copying 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64\\oc.exe' to 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\bin\\oc\\oc.exe'"
level=debug msg="Copying 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64\\podman.exe' to 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\bin\\podman\\podman.exe'"
level=info msg="Loading bundle: crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64..."
level=debug msg="Checking file: C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\machines\\crc\\.crc-exist"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> get machine"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: get"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: stopped"
level=debug msg="Copying 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64\\oc.exe' to 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\bin\\oc\\oc.exe'"
level=debug msg="Copying 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64\\podman.exe' to 'C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\bin\\podman\\podman.exe'"
level=info msg="Starting CRC VM for openshift 4.17.7..."
level=debug msg="Updating CRC VM configuration"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> get machine"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> start"
level=debug msg="Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes..."
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 0"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> get machine"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: get"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: running"
level=debug msg="Machine is up and running!"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> get machine"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: get"
level=debug msg="Machine: libhvee -> state: running"
level=info msg="CRC instance is running with IP"
level=debug msg="Waiting until ssh is available"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 0"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: exit 0"
level=debug msg="Using ssh private keys: [C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\machines\\crc\\id_ed25519 C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64\\id_ecdsa_crc]"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: ssh: handshake failed: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host., output: "
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : exit 0\nerr : ssh: handshake failed: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 1"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: exit 0"
level=debug msg="Using ssh private keys: [C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\machines\\crc\\id_ed25519 C:\\Users\\rhqp\\.crc\\cache\\crc_hyperv_4.17.7_amd64\\id_ecdsa_crc]"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: "
level=info msg="CRC VM is running"
level=debug msg="Using root access: disable core user password"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: sudo passwd --lock core"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: Locking password for user core.\npasswd: Success\n"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: cat /home/core/.ssh/authorized_keys"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: "
level=info msg="Updating authorized keys..."
level=debug msg="Creating /home/core/.ssh/authorized_keys with permissions 0644 in the CRC VM"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: <hidden>"
level=debug msg="SSH command succeeded"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: rm /home/core/.ssh/authorized_keys.d/ignition"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: "
level=debug msg="Using root access: Get device id"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: sudo /usr/sbin/blkid -t TYPE=xfs -o device"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: /dev/sda4\n"
level=debug msg="Using root access: Growing /dev/sda4 partition"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: sudo /usr/bin/growpart /dev/sda 4"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: NOCHANGE: partition 4 is size 82835423. it cannot be grown\n"
level=debug msg="No free space after /dev/sda4, nothing to do"
level=debug msg="Using root access: make root Podman socket accessible"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: sudo chmod 777 /run/podman/ /run/podman/podman.sock"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: "
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: systemctl status ovs-configuration.service"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 3, output: ● ovs-configuration.service - Configures OVS with proper host networking configuration\n Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ovs-configuration.service; enabled; preset: disabled)\n Active: activating (start) since Wed 2024-12-11 07:29:15 UTC; 1s ago\n Main PID: 1520 (configure-ovs.s)\n Tasks: 6 (limit: 66263)\n Memory: 58.7M\n CPU: 842ms\n CGroup: /system.slice/ovs-configuration.service\n ├─1520 /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/configure-ovs.sh OVNKubernetes\n ├─1522 /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/configure-ovs.sh OVNKubernetes\n └─1980 nmcli c add save no con-name ovs-if-phys0 type tun conn.interface tap0 master 149a343c-5736-4337-a0b4-10ecc652c539 slave-type ovs-port connection.autoconnect-priority 100 connection.autoconnect-slaves 1 802-3-ethernet.mtu 4000 tun.mode 2 802-3-ethernet.cloned-mac-address 5a:94:ef:e4:0c:ee connection.autoconnect no\n\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1648]: ++ compgen -G '/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/ovs-if-phys0.*'\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + for file in \"${MANAGED_NM_CONN_FILES[@]}\"\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1649]: ++ compgen -G '/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/ovs-if-phys0.nmconnection.*'\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + for file in \"${MANAGED_NM_CONN_FILES[@]}\"\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1650]: ++ compgen -G '/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/ovs-port-phys0.*'\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + for file in \"${MANAGED_NM_CONN_FILES[@]}\"\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1651]: ++ compgen -G '/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/ovs-port-phys0.nmconnection.*'\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + update_nm_conn_set_files br-ex phys0\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + update_nm_conn_files_base /run/NetworkManager/system-connections br-ex phys0\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + base_path=/run/NetworkManager/system-connections\nDec 11 07:29:16 crc configure-ovs.sh[1522]: + bridge_name=br-ex\n"
level=debug msg="Creating /etc/resolv.conf with permissions 0644 in the CRC VM"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: <hidden>"
level=debug msg="SSH command succeeded"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 0"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 1"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 2"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 3"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 4"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 5"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 6"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 7"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 8"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 9"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 10"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 11"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 12"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 13"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 14"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 15"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 16"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 17"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 18"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 19"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 20"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 21"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 22"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 23"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 24"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 25"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 26"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: foo.apps-crc.testing has address\nHost foo.apps-crc.testing not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)\n"
level=debug msg="error: Temporary error: ssh command error:\ncommand : host -R 3 foo.apps-crc.testing\nerr : Process exited with status 1\n - sleeping 1s"
level=debug msg="RetryAfter timeout after 27 tries"
level=info msg="Check internal and public DNS query..."
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: curl --head https://quay.io"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: HTTP/2 200 \r\ndate: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 07:30:19 GMT\r\ncontent-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\ncontent-length: 77706\r\nserver: nginx/1.22.1\r\nx-frame-options: DENY\r\ncache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\r\nvary: Cookie\r\nset-cookie: _csrf_token=eyJfY3NyZl90b2tlbiI6IjMyMnBmOE0wYmdKOEVseHlyaERWdjZqUzlWSXFfSFRWODFUOFpfLUI1Zl9JYlZrcGlEbjd2eWpqM2o1SDJPN3IifQ.Z1k_iw.VhlX_kVh8yEPNGnhs3P9cqM8bZs; Secure; HttpOnly; Path=/; SameSite=Lax\r\nx-frame-options: DENY\r\nstrict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; preload\r\n\r\n"
level=info msg="Check DNS query from host..."
level=debug msg="api.crc.testing resolved to []"
level=info msg="Verifying validity of the kubelet certificates..."
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: date --date=\"$(sudo openssl x509 -in /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem -noout -enddate | cut -d= -f 2)\" --iso-8601=seconds"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: 2025-12-04T08:39:39+00:00\n"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: date --date=\"$(sudo openssl x509 -in /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-server-current.pem -noout -enddate | cut -d= -f 2)\" --iso-8601=seconds"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: 2025-12-04T08:40:15+00:00\n"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: date --date=\"$(sudo openssl x509 -in /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/kube-apiserver-certs/secrets/aggregator-client/tls.crt -noout -enddate | cut -d= -f 2)\" --iso-8601=seconds"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: 2025-12-04T08:42:49+00:00\n"
level=info msg="Starting kubelet service"
level=debug msg="Using root access: Executing systemctl daemon-reload command"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: sudo systemctl daemon-reload"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: "
level=debug msg="Using root access: Executing systemctl start kubelet"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: sudo systemctl start kubelet"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: "
level=info msg="Waiting for kube-apiserver availability... [takes around 2min]"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 0"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: timeout 5s oc get nodes --context admin --cluster crc --kubeconfig /opt/kubeconfig"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION\ncrc Ready control-plane,master,worker 7d23h v1.30.6\n"
level=debug msg="NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION\ncrc Ready control-plane,master,worker 7d23h v1.30.6\n"
level=debug msg="Waiting for availability of resource type 'configmap'"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 0"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: timeout 5s oc get configmap --context admin --cluster crc --kubeconfig /opt/kubeconfig"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: NAME DATA AGE\nkube-root-ca.crt 1 7d23h\nopenshift-service-ca.crt 1 7d23h\n"
level=debug msg="NAME DATA AGE\nkube-root-ca.crt 1 7d23h\nopenshift-service-ca.crt 1 7d23h\n"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: timeout 30s oc delete -n openshift-machine-config-operator configmap machine-config-controller --context admin --cluster crc --kubeconfig /opt/kubeconfig"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 1, output: "
level=debug msg="Waiting for availability of resource type 'lease'"
level=debug msg="retry loop: attempt 0"
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: timeout 5s oc get lease --context admin --cluster crc --kubeconfig /opt/kubeconfig"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: <nil>, output: "
level=debug msg="Running SSH command: timeout 30s oc delete -A lease --all --context admin --cluster crc --kubeconfig /opt/kubeconfig"
level=debug msg="SSH command results: err: Process exited with status 124, output: lease.coordination.k8s.io \"crc\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"apiserver-yz2phfmetulqy4pemhbirhdnii\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"kube-controller-manager\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-apiserver-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"cluster-authentication-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"cluster-machine-approver-leader\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"version\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"config-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"console-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-controller-manager-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-master-controllers\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-cluster-etcd-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-master-controllers\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"kube-apiserver-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"cert-regeneration-controller-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"kube-controller-manager-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"cert-recovery-controller-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"cluster-policy-controller-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"cert-recovery-controller-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"kube-scheduler\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"control-plane-machine-set-leader\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"machine-api-operator\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"machine-config\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"machine-config-controller\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"marketplace-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"ovnkube-identity\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"network-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"packageserver-controller-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"ovn-kubernetes-master\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"openshift-route-controllers\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"service-ca-operator-lock\" deleted\nlease.coordination.k8s.io \"service-ca-controller-lock\" deleted\n"
ssh command error:
command : timeout 30s oc delete -A lease --all --context admin --cluster crc --kubeconfig /opt/kubeconfig
err : Process exited with status 124