Metadata Export tool for dynamics 365
File name where to export the data to
Name of the entity which metadata you want to export
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Exports the Account metadata to the accounts.json file
xrm metadata-export --file AccountLeads.xml --entity account --connection Url=http://myCrmServer/myorg
Synchronizes Web Resoources with local directories
Initiates the command in watch mode
Only the web resources beggining with thesee filters are going to be included
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Imports N to N relationshipts to CRM
File containing the data to import
The input file should contain a data table named as the intersect entity name, with at least one column for each of the related records. Any additional attributes will be ignored. You can use the lookup tool to resolve the GUIDs of the key attributes
The intersect entity name for the relationship between Accounts and Leads is accountsleads, so the input xml should be:
``` xml
<datatable name="accountsleads">
<>contoso lead</>
Continue if there's an error while processing the command
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Associate the Accounts and Leads contained in the AcccountLeads.xml file
xrm associate --file AccountLeads.xml --continue-on-error False --connection Url=http://myCrmServer/myorg
Updates a specific column from a data table querying data in CRM
File containing the data table with the data
Required. Name of the column to lookup
Name of the entity where search for the data
Attributes used to know if the record exists. Default is display attribute
Columns containing the with the data to lookup. The number of columns must match the number of matching attributes
Continue if there's an error while processing the command
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Publishes all existing customizations in the environment
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Delete all the records returned by the specified query
Fetch query to retrieve the records to delete
Continue if there's an error while processing the command
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Exports an entity or query from CRM to a file
Adds the row number to each exported record
Path of the file where to save the exported data
Name of the entity you want to export
Fetch query to retrieve the records to export
Number of records to retrieve from a page
Page of records to retrieve
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Export all the existing accounts to an Accounts.xml file
xrm export --file Accounts.xml --entity account --connection DEV
Export all the existing contacts returned by a fetch query to the contacts.xml file
xrm export --file Contacts.xml --connection DEV --config-file ContactsQuery.xml
Imports information from a file to Dynamics
File containing the data to import
Continue if there's an error while processing the command
Attributes used to know if the record exists. Default is id attribute
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Imports the specified solution .zip file into CRM
Required. .zip file containing the solution to import
Indicates wether the import should be performed asynchronously
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Exports the specified solution to a .zip file
Required. Unique name of the solution to export
Required. Connection string, or name of a connection string to use
Xml file containing the command options
Sets the current logging output. Can be Debug, Info, Error
Export mysolution to the file in the current directory
xrm solution-export --solution-name mysolution --connection TestEnvironment