The project is developed at the Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security of Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. The main contributors are:
- Martin Ukrop, 2019–today, project lead, graphic design
- Pavol Žáčik, 2019–today, example certificates, error mapping
- Marián Svitek, 2021–today, revocation implementation, revocation developer guides
- Štepán Horáček, 2021-2021, example certificates
- Eric Valčík, 2020–2021, bug fixes and pull requests to other libraries
- Matěj Grabovský, 2019–2020, feedback, TLS clients, bug fixes
- Michaela balážová, 2019–2020, improved error messages
The authors are grateful for the financial support from Red Hat Czech and