Macs Fan Control 1.5.8 [Qt 5.13.2] iMac20,2 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz [8 cores] Windows 10 x64 Fans: Fan 0-min{1200}curr{1199}max{2700}mode{2,GPU AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT (0),50,90} SMC sensors: TA0P () - 10.9375, 10.9375 TA0V () - 20.875, 20.875 TA0p (Ambient) - 30.9375, 30.9375 TC0E () - 199.105, 199.105 TC0F () - 200.75, 200.75 TC0J () - 1.64453, 1.64453 TC0P () - 37.5, 37.5 TC0T () - 0.03125, 0.03125 TC0c (CPU Core 1) - 42, 42 TC0p (CPU Proximity) - 37.5, 37.5 TC1c (CPU Core 2) - 41, 41 TC2c (CPU Core 3) - 42, 42 TC3c (CPU Core 4) - 40, 40 TC4c () - 40, 40 TC5c () - 40, 40 TC6c () - 41, 41 TC7c () - 40, 40 TC8c () - 129, 129 TC9c () - 129, 129 TCS0 () - 42, 42 TCXR () - 198.969, 198.969 TCXc (CPU PECI) - 42.9688, 42.9688 TCXr () - 198.969, 198.969 TG0D () - 43, 43 TG0E () - 43.0234, 43.0234 TG0F () - 43.6836, 43.6836 TG0J () - 0.660156, 0.660156 TG0P () - 41.875, 41.875 TG0T () - 0, 0 TG0d (GPU Diode) - 43, 43 TG0p (GPU Proximity) - 41.9375, 41.9375 TG0s () - 0, 0 TG1D () - 46, 46 TG1E () - 46.0273, 46.0273 TG1F () - 47.1602, 47.1602 TG1J () - 1.13281, 1.13281 TG1P () - 40.3125, 40.3125 TG1T () - 0, 0 TG1d () - 46, 46 TG1p (GPU Proximity 2) - 40.3125, 40.3125 TG1s () - 0, 0 TG2P () - 41.6875, 41.6875 TG2p () - 41.6875, 41.6875 TH0F () - 36.8047, 36.8047 TH0X () - 36.7383, 36.7383 TH0a () - 36.7383, 36.7383 TH0b () - 36.4258, 36.4258 TH0c () - 246, 246 TH0d () - 246, 246 TH0p () - 136, 136 TH0x () - 36.7383, 36.7383 TI0D () - 42.75, 42.75 TI0d () - 42.75, 42.75 TI2D () - 31.5625, 31.5625 TI2d () - 31.5625, 31.5625 TL0P () - 30.1875, 30.1875 TL0V () - 30.332, 30.332 TL0p (LCD Proximity) - 30.1875, 30.1875 TL1P () - 30.3125, 30.3125 TL1V () - 28.6602, 28.6602 TL1p (LCD Proximity 2) - 30.3125, 30.3125 TL1v () - 28.7031, 28.7031 TM0P () - 33.375, 33.375 TM0V () - 30.5586, 30.5586 TM0o () - 0, 0 TM0p (Memory Proximity) - 33.375, 33.375 TM1P () - 29.6875, 29.6875 TM1a () - 40.0313, 40.0313 TM1p () - 29.6875, 29.6875 TM2P () - 31, 31 TM2a () - 32.2461, 32.2461 TM2b () - 28.3086, 28.3086 TM2c () - 28.6367, 28.6367 TM2d () - 29.1172, 29.1172 TM2p () - 31, 31 TM3P () - 32.4375, 32.4375 TM3a () - 29.9141, 29.9141 TM3b () - 30.1563, 30.1563 TM3c () - 30.0352, 30.0352 TM3d () - 30.0352, 30.0352 TM3p () - 32.4375, 32.4375 TM4a () - 30.5586, 30.5586 TMXP () - 33.375, 33.375 TPCD (Platform Controller Hub Die) - 63, 63 TS0V () - 33.2422, 33.2422 TS0o () - 0, 0 Tb0P () - 44.4375, 44.4375 Tb0p () - 44.4375, 44.4375 Tm0P () - 35.3125, 35.3125 Tm0p () - 35.3125, 35.3125 Tm1P () - 32.625, 32.625 Tm1p () - 32.625, 32.625 Tm2P () - 41.4375, 41.4375 Tm2p () - 41.4375, 41.4375 Tm3P () - 34.25, 34.25 Tm3p () - 34.25, 34.25 Tm4P () - 41.4375, 41.4375 Tm4p () - 41.4375, 41.4375 Tp2F () - 29.5273, 29.5273 Tp2H () - 29.6875, 29.6875 Tp2h () - 29.6875, 29.6875 GPUs: AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT - 44 Disk drives: APPLE SSD AP2048N - 36 Log: [2020-08-22 09:03:10:748] [thread 7084] [app.cpp#287] Macs Fan Control 1.5.8 [2020-08-22 09:03:10:748] [thread 7084] [app.cpp#288] Windows 10 x64 [2020-08-22 09:03:10:748] [thread 7084] [app.cpp#289] iMac20,2 [2020-08-22 09:03:10:748] [thread 7084] [app.cpp#290] Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz [8 cores] [2020-08-22 09:03:10:748] [thread 7084] [app.cpp#291] Qt 5.13.2 [2020-08-22 09:03:10:758] [thread 7084] [platform_win.cpp#34] PlatformWin::open trying MMIO [2020-08-22 09:03:10:758] [thread 7084] [platform_win_sys_mmio.cpp#155] Trying to open SMC using with PNP driver [2020-08-22 09:03:10:762] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#87] detectSmcFanKeySize KeyType flt [2020-08-22 09:03:10:762] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#88] detectSmcFanKeySize KeyLen 4 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:197] [thread 8624] [fancontrol.cpp#179] initialLoadThread [2020-08-22 09:03:11:197] [thread 8624] [fancontrol.cpp#125] QFanControl::loadFansFromSMC [2020-08-22 09:03:11:199] [thread 8624] [fancontrol.cpp#131] Fans count - 1 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:215] [thread 8624] [fancontrol.cpp#148] Fan 0: Fan 0 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:262] [thread 8624] [fancontrol.cpp#59] checkFansControlModeFromSMC [2020-08-22 09:03:11:278] [thread 8624] [fancontrol.cpp#70] Fan 0 mode is set by another program [2020-08-22 09:03:11:293] [thread 8624] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 0 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:293] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#47] TempSensorDisk::loadAvailableSensors [2020-08-22 09:03:11:335] [thread 8624] [provider_win_amd_api.cpp#18] atiadlxx.dll loaded [2020-08-22 09:03:11:385] [thread 8624] [provider_win_amd.cpp#91] ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get 8 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:385] [thread 8624] [provider_win_amd.cpp#121] Adapter[0] Adapter Index: 0 UDID: PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_7319&SUBSYS_021B106B&REV_40_6&39763615&0&00000008A Location: PCI bus 3, device 0, function 0 VendorID: 1002 Adapter Name: AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT Display Name: \\.\DISPLAY1 Present: yes [2020-08-22 09:03:11:385] [thread 8624] [provider_win_amd.cpp#126] Primary: yes [2020-08-22 09:03:11:385] [thread 8624] [provider_win_amd.cpp#141] Can’t get Overdrive capabilities [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [provider_win_nvidia_api.cpp#37] LoadLibrary (nvapi.dll) failed with 127 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#293] Loading available SMART drives [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#304] GetLogicalDrives returned 12 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#314] Checking drive C:\ [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#322] Drive is fixed [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#338] Phisical disk number: 0 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#387] Adding drive \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#394] Adding drive APPLE SSD AP2048N [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#314] Checking drive D:\ [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensordisk_win.cpp#442] The drive is NOT fixed (2) [2020-08-22 09:03:11:386] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#65] TemperatureSensorSMC::loadAvailableSensors [2020-08-22 09:03:11:403] [thread 8624] [service.cpp#56] getSMCKeysCount: 2181169152 642 [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#83] GPU: GPU AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#32] Using TC0c sensor for CPU Core average [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#32] Using TC1c sensor for CPU Core average [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#32] Using TC2c sensor for CPU Core average [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#32] Using TC3c sensor for CPU Core average [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#118] InitialLoadThread: number of supported SMC sensors: 15 [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#119] InitialLoadThread: number of supported DISK sensors: 1 [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [tempsensorprovider.cpp#120] InitialLoadThread: number of supported GPU sensors: 1 [2020-08-22 09:03:15:214] [thread 8624] [fanprofile.cpp#81] Unexpected profile string: %1 [2020-08-22 09:03:15:230] [thread 8624] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 0 [2020-08-22 09:11:23:602] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:11:24:722] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1200 [2020-08-22 09:11:24:737] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:11:24:753] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:11:54:624] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 0 [2020-08-22 09:12:09:636] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:10:007] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#103] Fan 0: HALF INCREASE ON [2020-08-22 09:12:10:007] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#108] Fan 0: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease, Temperature 43, RPM=1199 [2020-08-22 09:12:10:007] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1801 [2020-08-22 09:12:10:023] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:10:039] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1801 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:11:554] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1802 [2020-08-22 09:12:11:570] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1802 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:13:085] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1803 [2020-08-22 09:12:13:100] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:13:116] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1803 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:14:631] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1804 [2020-08-22 09:12:14:647] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1804 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:16:152] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1805 [2020-08-22 09:12:16:214] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:16:230] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1805 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:17:745] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1806 [2020-08-22 09:12:17:761] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1806 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:19:261] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1807 [2020-08-22 09:12:19:262] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:19:263] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1807 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:20:763] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#153] Fan 0: Temperature DECREASED to 42 [2020-08-22 09:12:20:763] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#177] Fan 0: Ignoring temperature change [2020-08-22 09:12:20:763] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#202] Fan 0: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2020-08-22 09:12:20:763] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1809 [2020-08-22 09:12:20:765] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1809 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:12:22:278] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#153] Fan 0: Temperature DECREASED to 42 [2020-08-22 09:12:22:278] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#202] Fan 0: Tendency is set to TendencyDoNothing [2020-08-22 09:12:25:304] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#206] Fan 0: Temperature INCREASED to 43 [2020-08-22 09:12:25:304] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#277] Fan 0: Ignoring temperature change [2020-08-22 09:12:25:304] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#284] Fan 0: Tendency is set to TendencyDoNothing [2020-08-22 09:12:26:903] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:28:325] [thread 9360] [sensorcontrol.cpp#387] Fan 0: Setting fan speed to 1200 [2020-08-22 09:12:28:341] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:12:28:357] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:13:00:124] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:13:00:140] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:13:31:886] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:13:31:901] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:14:02:161] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:14:02:177] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:14:33:789] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:14:33:789] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:15:04:021] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:15:04:037] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:15:35:795] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:15:35:811] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:16:07:506] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:16:07:507] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:16:39:237] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:16:39:252] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:17:10:965] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#511] Set fan 0 mode 1 [2020-08-22 09:17:10:980] [thread 9360] [service.cpp#335] setFanRPM 1200 for F0Tg [2020-08-22 09:17:17:320] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TC0E with value of 199.105 [2020-08-22 09:17:17:334] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TC0F with value of 200.75 [2020-08-22 09:17:17:537] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TC8c with value of 129.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:17:553] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TC9c with value of 129.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:17:584] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TCXR with value of 198.969 [2020-08-22 09:17:17:615] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TCXr with value of 198.969 [2020-08-22 09:17:17:959] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TG0T with value of 0.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:006] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TG0s with value of 0.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:100] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TG1T with value of 0.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:146] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TG1s with value of 0.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:256] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TH0c with value of 246.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:272] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TH0d with value of 246.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:287] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TH0p with value of 136.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:521] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TM0o with value of 0.0 [2020-08-22 09:17:18:849] [thread 7084] [service.cpp#647] getTemperature - skipping sensor TS0o with value of 0.0