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Minecraft Plug-In

For our project, we have proposed making a plug-in for the popular online game Minecraft. Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and build weapons to interact with the infinite world around them. Our plugin will add Gods to the already expansive universe. Players will be able to interact with a set of Gods via chat interfaces as well as building altars, making sacrifices, and receiving punishments and gifts from the Gods. Players will be able to choose a god to worship and their devotion will be measured by sacrifices and their other action within the world. To handle this, our plug in will reply on event listeners check when certain blocks are placed to trigger events such as punishments and gifts. Gifts would include boosted player stamina, speed, health, and hunger or receiving certain items into their inventory. Punishments would include reduced player stamina, speed, health, hunger, and the removing of items from inventory. For serious punishments, players would be “banished” to other parts of the universe and not be allowed back until they atone their sins. other punishments could include weather related “accidents” wherein the gods can strike a player with lightning or set them on fire. These events could be triggered by server ticks and could generate “random” encounters with the gods. To make it more interesting, our plugin will include favoritism from the gods to the players as well as relationships and competition between the gods themselves. gods will be boosted depending on how many good blacks, or other blocks, are detected near the gods alter. This could spark competition of one player is boosting a certain god and another player is boosting another god. With all of these features, our plugin hopes to fill a gap in the market of Minecraft gameplay.


Team Members: 1. Baker, Andrew 2. Coyne, Shaun 3. Victor Hernandez 4. Runas, Nicole

Table of contents

General Info

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • You will need an IDE, Eclipse is preferred.



  • [Java] -- Java 8




  1. Chat commands to control and interact with the plug-in.
  2. Sacrifices to the gods to gain favoritism.(Sacrifices include: animals, resources, NPCs, ect.)
  3. Creating an Altar for your preferred god. (The type of the block symbolizes which god you have picked)
  4. There are benefits to praising a certain god. (Gives your character a buff/improved attribute of some sort)
  5. There are Punishments if you start to ignore your god.(Monsters will spawn on you, lighting strikes you, fires, pleagues, ect. )

To-do list:

  • Develope Add-on
  • Add unit testing


  • Project is: In Progress


  • Andrew Baker:
  • Shaun Cole:
  • Victor Hernandez:
  • Nicloe Runas:



*Project inspired by Shaun Coyne "Mick"


  1. Baker, Andrew (asb104) --
  2. Coyne, Shaun (spc51) --
  3. Hernandez, Victor (v_h74) --
  4. Nicole “Lo” Runas (ner34) --