- master
- Pull request needs to be up to date (pass the tests)
- Pull request needs aprroval from at least 1 reviewer
- feature1
- feature2
- ...
- (Another branch for testing?)
We are using Github Action for CI as described in VSCode documentation. Might switch to TravisCI later.
- Clone the repo
- Create/check out a feature branch
- Pull master
- Develop
- Pull master, fix conflicts, if any
- Push to feature branch
- Fix bugs, if any test fails
- Pull request, assign a member from the QA team (and other members from the whole team) for code review
- Review the code from pull request
- Merge to master, or
- Assign an issue to the code owner
- Clone the repo
- Check out a feature branch (or a testing branch?)
- Develop
- Should complete test cases before feature branch creates pull request to master?
- Push to feature branch (or a testing branch)
- Pull request, assign a member from the QA team (and other members from the whole team) for code review
✨ Some useful links if you are not familiar with VSCode extension or CI ✨