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114 lines (112 loc) · 7.01 KB

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114 lines (112 loc) · 7.01 KB


  • v0.5.11
    • Added more Bezier curve functionalities:
      • Quadratic Bezier and curve to pass through control nodes.
      • Cubic Bezier to pass through control nodes.
      • Quartic Bezier to pass through control nodes.
    • Added feature to move the leg to desired position based on direct Cartesian coordinates in the robot frame.
    • Added topics that subscribes to topics published by Syropod Manipulation package.
  • v0.5.10
    • Added dynamic tuning of step frequency parameter
    • Added each leg workspace generation
    • Added correct generation of 'walkspace', fit within leg workspace
    • Fixed issues with externally set target/default tip poses
    • Refactored published tf tree order for use with perception based odometry
  • v0.5.9
    • Implemented real-time default tip position modification via topic
    • Implemented estimation of gravity vector from IMU
    • Added transform publisher between frames: odom, walk_plane, base_link and tip frames
    • Added joint torque visualisations
    • Added touchdown detection feature using data on tip state topic and tuned using new parameters: touchdown_threshold & liftoff_threshold
    • Added feature to find ground contact by extending 2nd half of swing below walk plane (distance defined by parameter step_depth)
    • Added feature to align tips with gravity using redundancy of leg or body posing.
    • Refactored dynamic parameter tuning such that stopping Syropod is no longer required.
  • v0.5.8
    • Implemented Plan Execution Mode (Transition to target configuration, body/tip pose/s) (Free Gait/Movement)
    • Merged Auto Navigation mode and Cruise Control mode to free up Y Button for Plan Execution Mode
    • Added callback and msg for externally setting target tip poses at end of swing period (Adaptive Gait)
    • Added feature for multi-configuration-step pack/unpacking
  • v0.5.7
    • Added Rough Terrain mode which includes the following features:
      • Feature to allow tip range value to modify tip trajectory at end of swing to prevent early/late touchdown.
      • Posing feature to pose robot body such that the final link of each leg completes swing periods vertically.
      • Reworked trajectory engine to allow for vertical tip trajectory at end of swing during wave gait
      • Feature to estimate walk plane and pose body accordingly.
      • Added TipState message and callback to receive tip force/torque and range
    • Consolidated tip force callbacks into single callback with custom message on topic "/tip_states"
    • Added visualisations for the estimated walk plane and terrain
  • v0.5.6
    • Added feature adding cost function to joints approaching limits to ensure joint space loop closure in redundant systems.
    • Refactored joint/tip frame position functions and leg current/desired positions - to use pose (i.e. position & rotation)
    • Added tip orientation visualisations for debugging
  • v0.5.5
    • *Online specific foot placement
  • v0.5.4
    • Modified direct startup sequence to operate in joint space instead of tip space to prevent joints jumping if initialised outside limits.
    • Renamed impedance controller to 'admittance controller'
    • Removed custom Quat class and instead replaced with Eigen::Quaterniond
    • Removed IMU data transformation - SHC now expects IMU data in ROS REP103 coordinate frame
    • Removed joint offset parameters - SHC now expects all joint offsetting to be enacted at the motor driver level
  • v0.5.3
    • Improved Impedance Controller to make use of multi-joint effort values
    • Added tip force estimate visualisation
    • Added time limit to cruise control feature for use in running experiments.
  • v0.5.2
    • New iterative search based workspace generation method
  • v0.5.1
    • New simpler Inverse Kinematics calculation method
    • Improved workspace calculation
  • v0.5.0
    • Name change from simple_hexapod_controller to syropod_highlevel_controller, aka SHC.
    • Full refactor of controller.
    • Conversion to new coordinate system, adhering to ROS REP103
    • Overhaul of generation of robot model using DH parameters.
    • Overhaul of inverse/forward kinematics engine to handle up to 5 DOF legs.
    • New control scheme (see syropod_remote readme)
    • Redesigned start-ip/shut-down sequences.
    • New bespoke auto posing system (see config/
    • Implementation of dynamic_reconfigure for key parameters.
    • Modifications to tip trajectory calculations to prevent exceeding workspace.
    • Modifications to tip trajectory calculations to maximise stride length and body acceleration.
    • Conversion of walk controller parameters from percentage based to real world values (SI units).
    • Changes to adhere to ROSCPP style guide.
  • v0.4.9
    • Added functionality for manual leg manipulation (MLM)
      • Posing to keep centre of gravity centred over centre of support whilst manipulating legs
      • Added dynamic stiffness on legs adjacent to MLM leg
    • Added leg name mapping
    • Added leg state message to consolidate all leg debugging topics
  • v0.4.8
    • Redesigned manual compensation to be controlled using velocity and reset on R3
    • Moved compensation and impedance control outside of running state so compensation occurs during startup
  • v0.4.7
    • Changed gaits to remove 'underlap' that existed for non*dynamic impedance controller
    • Moved imu compensation code (and all other compensation code) to pose controller - deleted imuCompensation source file and header
    • Redesigned auto-compensation to work for all gaits
  • v0.4.6
    • Added body height compensation code to offset sinking body height from impedance controller
    • Redesigned dynamic stiffness engine for use in impedance controller
  • v0.4.5
    • Added inclination compensation feature which keeps body centre of gravity centred about the tip positions on inclined terrain
    • Refactored how compensation methods combine and interact with each other
  • v0.4.4
    • Added angular velocity parameter for testing
    • Refactored walk-controller velocity calculations
    • Added 'real-world' velocity input mode toggled using 'velocity_input_mode' parameter
  • v0.4.3
    • Modified Tripod gait to have no 'underlap' between step cycles
    • Modified the way auto/imu compensation interact with manual compensation. Manual compensation now 'stacks' with auto/imu compensation
    • Added various debugging publishers
  • v0.4.2
    • Redesigned tip trajectory engine using 3 quartic bezier curves - tip trajectory is now C2 smooth at zero body acceleration
    • Removed redundant transition_period from step cycle and modified gait parameters/characteristics to reflect.
    • Added auto-calculation option for linear and angular accelerations of body to ensure safe tip trajectories within bounds
    • Added stance_depth parameter which allows vertical tip position component in stance phase of step cycle
    • Changed various parameter names in line with new engine
    • Added various debugging publishers
  • v0.4.1
    • Fixed bug with body velocity calculation using minFootprintRadius as a diameter
    • Fixed bug with tip position jumping upon gait switch
  • v0.4.0
    • MAX ICRA paper submission version

Note: Version control commenced at v0.4.0. No changes were logged before this version.