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east dynamodb

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AWS DynamoDB adapter for east migration tool.

east-dynamodb relies on AWS SDK for JavaScript v3.


  • east-dynamodb requires Node.js 10 or above.
  • east is required to run the migrations, east-dynamodb is only a plug-in.
  • The AWS SDK modules for DynamoDB are specified as peer dependencies, and must be installed separately from the package.


# Install east
npm install --save-dev east

# Install east DynamoDB adapter
npm install --save-dev east-dynamodb

## Install AWS SDK peer dependencies
npm install --save-dev @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb@3.x @aws-sdk/util-dynamodb@3.x

💡 Migrations are usually a development tool, so we recommend installing east as a dev dependency.


Create a .eastrc file in your project root directory, and write the east configuration in JSON. A simple configuration example:

  "adapter": "east-dynamodb",
  "tableName": "MyTable",
  "dynamoDB": {
    "region": "us-east-1"

The above configuration can be used to apply and rollback migrations on a DynamoDB table named MyTable in AWS region us-east-1, where partition key is PK and sort key is SK.

Configuration reference

  // Required. Tell east to use DynamoDB adapter.
  "adapter": "east-dynamodb",
  // Required. The name of the DynamoDB table to migrate
  "tableName": "MyTable",
  // Optional, default "PK". The name of the partition key (or "hash key") in
  // the table.
  "partitionKey": "PK",
  // Optional, default "SK". The name of the sort key (or "range key") in
  // the table.
  "sortKey": "SK",
  // Optional, default "_MIGRATIONS". The "partition ID" of the migrations items
  // in the table, i.e. the value set in the partition key of the primary key.
  "migrationId": "_MIGRATIONS",
  // Optional, default undefined. Configuration options for DynamoDBClient as
  // specified in the AWS JS SDK.
  "dynamoDB": {
    // Region may be required.
    "region": "eu-west-3"

See the official documentation for more details on how to work with east.

Known limitations

Primary key

east-dynamodb can only work on tables with a composite primary key. To list all migrations applied in order, DynamoDB requires all migration entries to share a partition, and sorts all migrations by name in the sort key.

Secondary indexes

Secondary indexes are not supported yet. east-dynamodb creates an item in the table for each migration, and automatically generates values for primary key fields. It has no instructions to derive values for partition key and sort key for an arbitrary index.


DynamoDB does not support transactions. It is recommend to disconnect all services from your table during migrations. Any concurrent write to the table could result in an inconsistent state, breaking your database and related services.

In any case, it is always a good idea to backup a table before performing migrations.


Migrations are ordered JavaScript files in a directory (see east documentation). east executes all un-executed migration scripts sequentially, and marks each migration as applied in the table when done.

To create a migration file, use east cli:

east create <migration_name>

east will create an empty migration script from the template in lib/template.js. The template exposes 2 functions: migrate and rollback. These functions will be run when east migrate or east rollback is invoked, respectively.

The functions take a single "context" argument containing objects and data necessary for the current migration.

  • client: a DynamoDBClient instance from AWS SDK for JS 3. Performing operations on the table will be done by sending commands through this client.
  • tableName: the name of the table being migrated (string).

Example migration

Let's see an example of a migration.

const { PutItemCommand, DeleteItemCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb');
const { marshall } = require('@aws-sdk/util-dynamodb');

exports.migrate = async ({ client, tableName }) => {
  const cmd = new PutItemCommand({
    TableName: tableName,
    Item: marshall({
      PK: 'USERS',
      SK: 'USERS#0000001',
      first_name: 'Obi-Wan',
      last_name: 'Kenobi',
      greeting: 'Hello there',
  await client.send(cmd);

exports.rollback = async ({ client, tableName }) => {
  const cmd = new DeleteItemCommand({
    TableName: tableName,
    Key: marshall({
      PK: 'USERS',
      SK: 'USERS#0000001',
  await client.send(cmd);

The above migration script creates a new item in the table, for user Obi-Wan Kenobi. We use PutItemCommand as required by AWS SDK. A command is sent to DynamoDB through the DynamoDB Client. The call to the database is asynchronous by nature, we use async/await here to ensure the program waits until the request is completed before resuming flow. You could also chain and return a Promise, and east would wait until all Promises are resolved before starting the next migration.

The rollback operation is similar in design, using a DeleteItemCommand to remove the item added in the forward migration. Deleting an item only requires its (composite) primary key as parameters.

Note the use of marshall from @aws-sdk/util-dynamodb. marshall converts a plain JavaScript object to a DynamoDB record, making for much lighter code.

const record = marshall({
  hello: 'there',
  num: 1138,
// {
//   hello: { S: 'there' },
//   num: { N: 1138 }
// }


east-dynamodb is an open-source effort to help manage migrations in DynamoDB tables from Node.js projects.

If you find a bug or if you want to request a new feature, please report it by opening an issue. Pull Requests are also welcome.

Developer commands

Run linter

npm run lint

Run tests

npm run test

Build distribution

npm run build


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.